
Third Man Records make history by playing a record in space

Here is the recap: (Classic Rock) Jack White’s Third Man Records are planning to play the first-ever LP record in space later this month. Watch it all happening below.


The musician and his record label Third Man Records launched a “space-proof” turntable called the Icarus Craft attached to a high-altitude balloon.

Jack White himself attended the viewing party.

Besides the turbulence and other scientific obstacles that previously made spinning a record in space inconceivable, Kevin Carrico, the engineer behind the Icarus Craft, also dealt with the fact that vinyl has a low melting point of 160 degrees, which threatened to “physically distort” the LP on its journey.

As Uproxx reports, the balloon and turntable were launched just outside Marsing, Idaho.

The label’s website states: “The craft reached a peak altitude of 94,413 feet at 1:21:20 flight time (roughly 1000/feet/minute) when the balloon burst (a truly attractive sight) and the descent began”. And, it brings us great fulfillment to pay tribute to the incredible scientist and dreamer that Carl Sagan was. The turntable was able to start playing record over whilst it was in flight.


“We have three million vinyl records pressed in our seven years, so we thought there was nothing better than to have Carl Sagan be the 3 millionth record and to try do to something audacious and put it into outer space”, he said.

Jack White just played the first vinyl record in space