
‘Singh to visit Islamabad for SAARC event, not for bi-lateral meetings’

India’s Ministry of External Affairs said on Friday that Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh would not be conducting any bilateral meetings with his Pakistani counterparts during his upcoming visit to Islamabad.


“The Home Minister is visiting Pakistan for a SAARC related event as Home Ministers of India have been attending all previous Home Minister related events in the SAARC context”, MEA official spokesperson Vikas Swarup said in a press conference.

Swarup had yesterday also clearly said that the Home Minister was going for a multilateral SAARC event and there will not be any bilateral meeting. “There will be no bilateral meetings w/ Pakistan”. You know the importance that we attach to SAARC, to regional cooperation, to regional prosperity.

Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh is set to visit Islamabad next week to attend a meeting of SAARC interior ministers.

However, sources say that Singh will raise certain points with his Pakistan counterpart Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan relating to unrest in Jammu and Kashmir, cross border terrorism and infiltration.

Samajwadi Party leader Naresh Agarwal said Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s statement in favour of the terrorists has spoilt the relationship between the two Asian neighbours.

Singh will be accompanied by Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi and several other senior officers of the Home Ministry.

His visit takes place amid a continuing tension with Pakistan on the issue of instigating cross border violence after the reported encounter death of terrorist Burhan Wani on July eight.

Pakistan had been extending moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri struggle.


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India should not hold dialogue with Pakistan: Samajwadi Party