
Wikileaks uploads DNC voicemails, one caller spurns Sanders supporters

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It was not known which party official the woman was trying to reach. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by the press”.

Calling the Vermont senator “asinine”, she adds: ‘Do not let him rule the Democratic Party. “Please stop this man now”. “He’s getting way too much influence”.

‘I am on fixed income and I spent over $300 donated to Hillary, and what I see is the DNC bending over backwards for Bernie.

“Bernie is the worst person in the world to even be running in the Democratic Party because he’s not a Democrat”, the woman can be heard ranting.

‘I don’t care about Sanders supporters, a lot of them are going to vote for Hillary anyway. “Get rid of the a**hole”. “He called President Obama a negro president and he said he was a Republican in black face”, said one female caller featured twice in the WikiLeaks dump.

“What is the DNC doing by allow Sanders to put Cornell West on the platform committee?”

“Russia, if you are listening, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, he said during a press conference at his Miami-area hotel.

One caller complains that they have been invited for a St Patrick’s day breakfast with the vice president not to a White House reception.


In another voicemail, Bill Eacho, a longtime Democratic donor and former US ambassador, inquired about the details of a “small dinner with President Obama”. Another requests tickets to an event with Obama. Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she would step down as DNC chairwoman at the end of the party’s convention.

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