
Mike Bloomberg Implores: ‘Together Let’s Elect A Sane, Competent Person’

When Bloomberg announced his decision not to run for President, he cited a fear that his run would take some of the moderate vote away from Clinton, paving Trump’s path to power.


“God help us”, Bloomberg, who like Trump is a billionaire businessman, told the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Instead, he presented her as the only rational choice-urging the crowd to “unite around the candidate who can defeat a risky demagogue” and earning even bigger applause near the end of his speech when he asked the crowd to elect “a sane, competent person”.

The normally soft-spoken owner of Bloomberg financial-news service excoriated his fellow New Yorker, labeling him a “dangerous demagogue”, a hypocrite, a con, and-slashing at the core of Trump’s self-worth-a terrible businessman.

He also made a dig at Trump’s image of self-made wealth.

Bloomberg served three terms as mayor of Trump’s hometown.

Bloomberg himself considered running for president this year as an independent, and even made a proposed advertising spot, but ultimately decided against it. “And I know Hillary can do that”. He did, too, with Trump, who he knew from New York’s glitzy social circuit and from dealings with him as a developer.

At a rally in Davenport, Iowa, on Thursday afternoon, Donald Trump said he wanted to “hit” several unnamed speakers at the Democratic National Convention “so hard” they would “never recover”.

“The richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy”, Bloomberg said.

“We’ve heard a lot of talk in this campaign about needing a leader who understands business”, he said.

Thus, as an independent patriot without any political affiliation, Bloomberg today attended the DNC to endorse Clinton, the first female president to run for the USA presidency.

Trump added: “Michael Bloomberg couldn’t get elected dog catcher in New York”, Trump said.

Bloomberg hit Trump for manufacturing many of his wares overseas and for hiring foreign workers at his resorts instead of helping Americans get jobs. “And I eventually became an independent because I don’t believe either party has a monopoly on good ideas or good leadership”, he said at the start of his speech, earning some boos shortly after for offering minor critiques of Democrats.

I know what it’s like to have neither party fully represent my views or values.


Clinton said Trump is offering America “empty promises” and what she called “bigotry and bombast”.

Donald Trump ripped into the former New York City mayor saying “Michael Bloomberg couldn't get elected as a dogcatcher in New York.”