
Donald Trump Doesn’t Know That Russia Invaded Ukraine

US presidents in the modern era have seen singular sentences and offhand comments define global perceptions on USA policies and leadership. Of threatening the very underpinnings of America’s relationship with Europe.


A former senior US official said it was a “fair bet” the NSA was using its hackers’ technical prowess to infiltrate two Russian hacking teams that the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike alleged broke into the DNC’s system and were linked to two separate Russian intelligence agencies, as first reported by The Washington Post. The idea of fostering U.S.

Trump’s “absolute allegiance to a lot of Russian wish-list foreign policy positions” is among the reasons he is unfit to be commander in chief, Clinton, a former US senator, secretary of state and first lady, said in the Fox interview.

It’s what Trump is willing to do to achieve those goals and the way he expresses his views that have shocked many foreign policy experts.

The notion of refusing to defend North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies who don’t pay their bills, for example, or of buddying up to Putin despite his aggressive stances is jarring to Democrats and Republicans alike. And it’s on the minds of foreign leaders. You look at what he’s doing with President Obama he’s like toying with him.

Putin also commented on Trump previous year and said that he is “colorful and talented”, words that Trump twisted and repeated as “genius”.

In the US, the goal is probably similar and Putin mainly likes Trump for his destabilizing power.

Trump, whose wife Melania was born in the town of Sevnica while Slovenia was still part of Communist-run Yugoslavia, has sided with Putin on a wide range of issues, including saying that, if elected, he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and would not necessarily back North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members if Putin chose to invade. “They have seen the West involving itself in politics in Ukraine and other former parts of the Soviet space and feel they should be able to pretty much do the same thing”.

Over the years, Trump has said Putin is doing a “great job in rebuilding the image of Russian Federation;” that “he’s done a really great job in outsmarting our country;” and that “He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country”.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest described today the annexation of Crimea as an “egregious violation of worldwide norms” that rallied Europe and the impose sanctions against Russian Federation. Manafort has said neither he nor anyone else with the Trump campaign pushed for the platform changes. “And countries that we’re protecting have to pay what they’re supposed to be paying”. They reached the chapel, which lies 1,200 meters (3,940 feet) high on a winding road built by Russian and other prisoners for their Austrian captors, who needed it as a supply route during battles against the Italians.

Just so you understand.

Some current and former US intelligence officials also have expressed concern about Mrs. Clinton, who was recently reprimanded by FBI Director James Comey for her “careless” handling of sensitive material in emails. “He’s been very nice to me”, Trump said.

Cohen said it’s time for critics to stop using “McCarthyite” language to demonize Trump and have a serious discussion about the issues he’s raising.

“It’s called a debate”, said Cohen. He’s been doing it for his entire presidential campaign.

Yet Democrats are not the only ones to recoil at Trump’s remarks.

“Mr. Trump has said on the campaign trail the biggest threat is failed leadership on the part of Obama and Clinton”, he said.

When he appeared onstage at the Democratic National Convention Monday with comedian Sarah Silverman to try to soothe angry Bernie Sanders supporters, Franken noted, “You see, Sarah’s the comedian and she gets the joke and I’m the politician now….”

Trump often speaks wistfully about smoother relations between Washington and Moscow.

His credo, set out when talking about Islamic State previous year, is to strike first “if a fight is inevitable” and, as Russian Federation has shown in its reaction to what it sees as NATO’s aggressive build-up near its borders, to respond in kind.

According to Reuters, a Kremlin spokesperson said that Russian Federation was unmoved by Trump’s comment and that they remain neutral in U.S. elections. And Democrats were the ones faulting Romney for saying that Russian Federation was America’s “No. 1 geopolitical foe”.


Obama’s early hope for that reset with Moscow had largely evaporated even before Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and its military intervention in eastern Ukraine, which unnerved countries on NATO’s eastern flank that fear they also may be targets of Russian intimidation or aggression. “Donald Trump says he gets his foreign policy experience from watching TV and running the Miss Universe pageant. I don’t – I’ve never met him”, said Trump. “And they don’t even know frankly if it’s Russian Federation”.

Trump at convention