
Democratic Candidates Clinton-Kaine Campaign Bus Tour Making Stop In Pittsburgh

Hillary Clinton’s top surrogates are taking aim at rival Donald Trump for criticizing the bereaved mother of a Muslim Army captain, a comment that sparked outrage across the political spectrum Saturday. But he did express confusion at some of Trump’s statements and tactics, especially a recent episode in which Trump confused Kaine with a former Republican governor of New Jersey, Tom Kean. “Or Trump picture frames in India, not Bristol, Pennsylvania”, Clinton said.


And for the first time he encouraged his supporters’ anti-Clinton chants of “lock her up”. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds baby cousins Evelyn Kate Keane, 6 months old, and Kellen Campbell, 3 months old, following his speech Friday, July 29, 2016, in Colorado Springs, Colo. Bibles for Iraq is a project to put Arabic and Kurdish audio Bibles into the hands of Iraqi and Syrian refugees-many of whom are illiterate and who have never heard the gospel.

Kaine, a former Virginia governor, also criticized Trump’s seeming invitation last week for Russian Federation to hack into United States servers and find Clinton’s missing emails – a comment Trump later said was “sarcastic”.

Over the next 72 hours, the duo will drive through cities like Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh; and Youngstown, Ohio, cramming in multiple rallies and retail stops each day. The message is aimed at voters in western Pennsylvania and eastern and central OH, where Trump is seeking to sway blue-collar Democrats. “It was so much more uplifting”, Goodwin said.

Trump’s campaign sees a narrow path to victory for the candidate who unexpectedly won the Republican primary, acknowledging at times that Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania and OH are critical to his success.

Clinton’s next assault on Johnstown will be the Trans-Pacific Partnership, he said.

Republicans have even used the status quo argument against Clinton.

Kaine’s latest statement is “deeply disappointing”, Ilyse Hogue, the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, an abortion-rights group, said Friday, adding that the Hyde Amendment prevents low-income women from obtaining abortions and disproportionately affects women of color.

Rendell, speaking Thursday at a Bloomberg breakfast event, said voter-registration changes suggest Trump has “already made inroads” in Pennsylvania. Addressing Americans who question her trustworthiness, Clinton tells Chris Wallace that “I know that I have work to do”.

Clinton surrogates including Obama can help turn out voters in cities, while Kaine and Vice President Joe Biden, a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, may help Clinton with working-class voters, Rendell said.

Clinton is playing up economic opportunity, diversity and national security.

At yesterday’s rally, Kaine gave a shout-out to his parents, a retired ironworker and teacher in their 80s, and to fellow Catholics.


Kaine contrasted the optimism of Democrats’ convention with the Republicans’ darker gathering in Cleveland a week earlier, saying it was “a twisted and negative tour” and a “journey through Donald Trump’s mind – and that is a very frightening place”. “If you look at his wife, she was standing there”.

Democratic presidential candidate Tim Kaine salutes the crowd after his address at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night