
Hillary Clinton Reminds America It’s Not About Qualifications

The Democratic nominee said she was “proud” of the Iranian nuclear deal clinched between world powers and the Islamic Republic past year, and urged continued United States support for Israel’s security.


The former president sought to change the narrative about her, suggesting that her political opponents have painted her as a cartoon character.

We take you as a man of your word and we certainly don’t want Trump to be president either. Bernie Sanders attempt to unify their supporters. A full roll-call vote on Tuesday, which some anxious might only spotlight party division, turned into a show of unity, as Clinton and Sanders supporters teamed up to deliver their state’s delegate totals.

“He has no clue about what makes America great”.

“I was strong for Bernie, and now I’m taking a stand for Trump”, said another. Islamic extremism got a mention but it was the jugular of Hilary Clinton that was in the centre of the Trump sights, though even here he was notably toned down calling for Clinton to be defeated in the polls rather than locked up or shot, as was mooted by one of his aides earlier in the convention.

“A democracy requires something from all of us”, she said.

The lack of enthusiasm over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is a reflection of voter frustration with the political establishment, a problem she will need to confront in trying to reach the highest office in the U.S.

Khizr Kahn, a Muslim whose son was one of 14 Muslims killed while serving in the military since the September 11, 2001, attacks, drew cheers when he pulled out a pocket copy of the US Constitution and said he wanted to show it to Trump. She doesn’t know how to win.

The bus tour will also serve as an important opportunity for Kaine to introduce himself to the country, particularly to voters who know little about the former Virginia governor.

The USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll showed a similar swing with a more striking result: Trump seven points ahead. Some of his most fervent supporters walked off the floor in protest as delegates made Clinton the first female standard-bearer of a major political party.

She said that she, like many, thought “he couldn’t possibly mean all the frightful things he says” and that “someone who wants to lead our nation could say those things, could be like that”.

Whether the Republican power brokers can unit behind Mr Trump by holding their noses and voting for someone they clearly dislike is another issue.

Mrs Clinton brings baggage to her campaign, let’s be frank.

While the ratings for the fourth night have yet to be announced, Trump did appear anxious that Hillary Clinton’s final convention night on Thursday would top his own. There is no other Donald Trump.


“Donald Trump can’t even handle the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign”.

Chelsea Clinton