
Convention Missteps Renew Concerns About Trump and Governing

He said Cruz would “have been in better shape for four years from now” if he had endorsed Trump, although “I don’t see him winning anyway, frankly”.


Greeted with rapture and expectations of mended fences at the beginning of his speech, the Texas Republican saw the crowds in the Q turn on him savagely as it became clear that not only would he not endorse Trump, he’d call on Republicans to “vote your conscience” – in a nod to the #NeverTrumpers vanquished on Monday night. Others said that if Trump was really serious about uniting the party he would reach out to his former rivals, including Cruz and Kasich. “There wasn’t one person in the room – not one”.

Utah’s 40 delegates – committed to Texas Sen.

“Honestly, he should have done it because nobody cares”. But later, after a number of Texas delegates angrily confronted him for violating a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, the senator said he feels no obligation to follow through on that.

Trump Jr., an executive at the Trump Organization who has played an active role in his father’s campaign, hasn’t ruled out a future in politics.

Cruz’s refusal to endorse Trump “shows you that they are not a united party”, said party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “I never heard of an American leader, or at least someone who wants to be an American leader, claiming that’s all we need”. What difference does it make?. And I don’t want his endorsement. “I don’t like the fact that she’s a liar”, Rudolph said. “Ted, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself”.

“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves”, he said.

While accepting the nomination “humbly and gratefully” here, Trump promised to defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism, but toned down his previous proposal of a complete ban on entry of Muslims in the country. Just so you understand.

Trump said if elected as the US President in the November elections, he will put in place an immigration system “that works, but one that works for the American people”.

Trump had tweeted a picture of an angry-looking Heidi Cruz appearing next to a model-perfect photo of his own wife.

The New York mogul said that even if Cruz now offered an endorsement, he would not accept it.

He says no matter what people think of him as a Republican, “If you’re a great believer in the Constitution, you have no choice”. Although he’s got good intellect, but he doesn’t know how to use it. According to every poll. “Because Heidi is a terrific woman”. The Indiana governor made his case, however, after a wave of boos ushered Cruz off the stage in a development that assured Pence’s speech would be eclipsed in the convention’s latest news cycle. The businessman said that was a betrayal. “So Ted Cruz took his speech and was done…then made a statement that wasn’t in the speech…to me that’s dishonorable”. “If I lived in NY, I would not expect to see many TV ads unless I lived near the Pennsylvania state line”.


“In my speech last night I didn’t say a single negative thing about Donald Trump. Not a nice thing to do”. To all Americans tonight in all of our cities and in all of our towns, I make this promise – we will make America strong again.

Ted Cruz