
Saatchi chief asked to take leave after comments on women executives

French advertising giant PublicisGroupeput the Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi, Kevin Roberts, on leave on Saturday, after he said the debate on gender bias in the industry was “all over”.Roberts had told the Business Insider in an interview that he did not think the lack of women in leadership roles “is a problem” in the advertising industry.


Roberts told Business Insider on Friday that he doesn’t spend “any time” on gender issues at his agency, saying the issue is “way worse” in the financial services sector, where there are “problems left, right, and centre”.

The company said that its supervisory board will evaluate Mr. Roberts standing.

“While fostering a work environment that is inclusive of all talent is a collective responsibility, it is leadership’s job to nurture the career aspirations and goals of all our talent”, it stated. Maurice Lévy, Publicis Groupe CEO, said “the company will not tolerate anyone speaking for our organization who does not value the importance of inclusion”.

“Diversity and inclusion are business imperatives on which Publicis Groupe will not negotiate”.

Rodd Chant, whose career as an advertising executive includes a stint at Publicis Singapore, wrote on LinkedIn that Roberts’ statements were “downright ridiculous”.

According to Business Insider, Publicis worldwide chief executive Arthur Sadoun said in an internal note to staff that Roberts’ comments were “offensive in terms of language and tonality” and behaviour like that was unacceptable.

Globally JWT has introduced blind recruitment following its own furore earlier this year and the filing of a law suit alleging sexist and racist conduct from its former CEO Gustavo Martinez. “I am very proud of being part of the Groupe that is doing so much on gender equality but I acknowledge that we, our industry and business at large are not where we need to be or where we aspire to be”.

Roberts said companies are using “antiquated” ways of viewing success and that women at his firm are “happier” not taking on leadership roles. “I’m just not anxious about it because they are very happy, they’re very successful, and doing great work”.

Following Mr. Roberts’s comments, many advertising executives and marketers took to TwitterTWTR 2.02 % to express their displeasure.

Kate Stanners, Chief Creative Officer, Saatchi & Saatchi.

And Airbnb CMO Jonathan Mildenhall tweeted at Roberts, “If I were CMO @ P&G I would be questioning your understanding of my core consumer”.

Other Publicis executives tried to distance themselves from Mr. Roberts’s comments.


A survey conducted in 2014 by The 3% Conference found women make up just 11.5% of creative directors within ad agencies.

Saatchi and Saatchi boss Kevin Roberts has been put on leave after making comments about women lacking ambition