
Clinton accuses Trump of ‘degrading comments about Muslims’

But with Sen. Tim Kaine, we’ll be getting two presidents with one vote.


Clinton vowed Thursday to be a president for all Americans “for the struggling, the striving and the successful”. But “Hillary Clinton does not deserve a nanosecond of a political honeymoon”. Tim Kaine, D-Va., wave to supporters at the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Thursday, July 28, 2016.

Donald Trump is vigorously tweeting the morning after Democrats finished their presidential nominating convention.

The celebratory mood of this week’s Democratic national convention continued Friday as Clinton smiled and waved as she boarded her blue campaign bus, wrapped with the slogan “Stronger Together”.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Hillary Clinton capped off a four-day convention celebration with a plea for national unity and tolerance.

So far, there is not much evidence of a Trump campaign in OH, but that soon will change, said Bob Paduchik, Trump’s state campaign director.

“It’s not so much that I’m on the ticket, it’s because of the stark choice that’s posed to Americans in this election”, she said. I’m not telling you everything is peachy keen.

After a convention speech aimed squarely at undercutting Trump, the first female presidential nominee embarks on a bus tour through two Rust Belt battlegrounds, OH and Pennsylvania.

Trump is also focusing on OH and Pennsylvania, as states where he might make headway with blue-collar white men.

Clinton’s top aides see both Pennsylvania and OH as key states for Trump, where he must outperform how Mitt Romney did in 2012.

Democrats contrasted their optimistic message with the more troubled vision of the state of the nation presented by Trump and others at the GOP convention a week earlier. What are we offering? Joined by their spouses, Bill Clinton and Anne Holton, Clinton and Kaine vowed their policies would help middle-class America as they cast Trump as a “You’re Fired” president. She faced navigating the fine line between associating herself with the successes of the Obama administration and acknowledging those deeply angered and alienated by stagnating wages and a declining standard of living and roiled by fear. “I don’t know where the bottom is”, she told reporters during a campaign stop at a cheese barn in Ohio.

The stakes are high: A loss to Trump would not only end Clinton’s political career, it could be a devastating coda to her and her husband’s political legacy and leave the Democratic Party weaker than it has been in a generation.

When attendees at the Republican National Convention erupted during Trump’s speech there last week in “lock her up chants”, the GOP nominee resisted the urge to go along with those chants. I’ve been saying, let’s just beat her in November.

Clinton and her running mate, Sen.

“To me, the key is the relationship between the two: More people have to find her acceptable and him unacceptable than vice versa”, Democratic pollster Mark Mellman says. “Your cause is our cause”. She wants to expand restrictions for gun purchases.

Clinton aides dismissed the protests as little more than a few holdouts.

Trump’s no-room-for-error path to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House likely begins with a trio of industrialized states that loop around the Great Lakes – Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania – and are home to numerous working-class white voters who have been drawn to his message of economic grievance and revival. But he insisted, “We don’t have a single issue in this country that we can’t tackle”, and said job creation would be the top priority if Clinton wins the White House. Speaking as a former registered member of the Green Party and now as an unaffiliated voter who donated to Bernie Sanders, I am hoping that Sanders will act as a catalyst and leader to develop the Bernie Sanders Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party.

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country by strategic use of the vote in the face of the way things really work in our country.

Throughout the convention, Democrats tried to convey the stakes of the election not only to Sanders backers but to Republicans concerned about Trump’s bombastic tone and foreign policy positions.


“I knew Ronald Reagan”.

Donald Trump