
President Barack Obama addresses the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Her radical amnesty plan will take jobs, resources and benefits from the most vulnerable citizens of the United States and give them to the citizens of other countries.


Khizr Kahn, a Muslim whose son was one of 14 Muslims killed while serving in the military since the September 11, 2001, attacks, drew cheers when he pulled out a pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and said he wanted to show it to Trump.

During a panel conversation with Glamour, Lena Dunham, 30, and America Ferrera, 32, Chelsea, 36, was asked her thoughts on Ivanka’s Republican National Convention speech on July 21, in which she suggested her father Donald Trump, 70, would fight for equal pay.

He added: “A vote for Hillary is a vote to destroy American manufacturing and to surrender to the global special interests bankrolling Hillary’s life”.

On the fourth day of a convention defined by division and months into a dark and often weird campaign, Hillary Clinton sought to define herself again Thursday as a great uniter and a steady hand in turbulent times.

“Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again”, she said. But we haven’t done a good enough job showing that we get what you’re going through and that we’re going to do something about it.

But Democrats – from Obama and former President Bill Clinton on down – have spent the past three days hammering away at Trump’s personality and business record.

Claim: Sen. Bernie Sanders left the Democratic Party during the DNC (possibly as part of the #Demexit protest).

Clinton hopes to win over not only the hearts of Republican voters but also the wallets of some of the party’s donors.

And it was a show of unity that put her over the top, as her once-bitter rival Bernie Sanders called for her nomination by acclamation. “Donald Trump calls it a divided crime scene that only he can fix”.

Trump has hammered Clinton as untrustworthy, and Republicans depict her as a Washington insider who would continue what they see as the failed policies of Obama’s presidency. Democratic strategists are concerned that the youth and the African-American voters may not be as enthusiastic as they were for Mr. Obama and the President specifically addressed the supporters of Bernie Sanders.

Clinton sold the election to a packed crowd in Philadelphia – one still sprinkled with internal discontent – as a stark choice between herself and the Republican nominee.

She told the audience she is a “very, very proud daughter”.

But addressing her image of putting policy above politics, Clinton was unrepentant.

Castello is among those who say Clinton’s proximity to becoming the nation’s first female president marks a long-awaited symbolic movement for women’s equality. “God help us”, Bloomberg said to rapturous applause.

Trump views those as winning issues for him in a world that has recently become a hotbed for terror attacks-particularly in the Middle East and Europe but also here in the U.S. Obama, on the other hand, views it as Trump’s biggest vulnerability and the most effective way to attack him.

– The slogan “stronger together” that’s been featured in her campaign is a guiding principle for the country.


Former President Bill Clinton received a rock star’s welcome before ticking off a list of his wife’s civic accomplishments.

DNC 2016 Day 3'A Convention Within a Convention and a Brief Opening