
Slain Muslim US soldier’s mother SHUTS DOWN Donald Trump

Ghazala Khan, Khizr Khan’s wife, hit Trump back hard herself in an op-ed in The Washington Post Sunday, saying she declined to speak because she was emotionally distraught – and suggested Trump lacks empathy if he fails to understand that decision.


“He is a black soul”.

It was none of that, Khan relayed to CNN. “Captain Khan was one such fearless example”, Ryan said in a statement issued to media. “When I see my son’s picture, I can not hold myself together”.

Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte, whose own husband is an Iraq War veteran, is “appalled” by Donald Trump’s criticism of the parents of a Muslim-American solider who died fighting in Iraq. We experience the goodness of this country every day. I am a Gold Star mother.

Most of the comments from Clinton and Kaine focused on plans for boosting the national economy and the nation’s workforce rolls, with promises to push for a higher minimum wage, equal pay regardless of gender, higher taxes on the country’s wealthiest residents, wider access to high-speed Internet and big investments in roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects, including an updated electric grid. “And he has no knowledge, no awareness”.

Ghazala Khan later told ABC News she did not speak at the convention because it would have been too painful.

She added later, “I want us always to stand for freedom, equality and justice and opportunity, now and forever. Does [Trump] really need to wonder why I did not speak?” “For all these years, I haven’t been able to clean the closet where his things are”, she wrote in the column. “I mean, that was a real tragedy”, Manafort said Sunday.

“Donald Trump said that maybe I wasn’t allowed to say anything”.

The Republican nominee lashed out at Khizr Khan, a USA citizen of Pakistani origin and a Muslim, when Khan told of his war hero son at the convention and took issue with Trump’s call for a temporary ban on the entry of Muslims into the United States.

Top Republican lawmakers, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, also condemned Trump’s remarks, although they did not mention their presidential candidate by name.

Trump tweeted Sunday that he had been “viciously attacked” by Khan at the convention. “This is so incredibly disrespectful of a family that endured the ultimate sacrifice for our country”, said Bush, who badly lost the Republican primary to Trump. “I reject it”, the statement read.

“His sacrifice should be honoured and it’s just not how I was raised or taught in my church”, she said.

Khan and his wife, Ghazala, shared their son’s story at the convention. She said the accumulation of all of his remarks make her question what “bounds” exist for Trump.

“For this candidate for presidency to not be aware of the respect of a Gold Star mother standing there, and he had to take that shot at her, this is height of ignorance”, Khan said, referring to parents of troops who are killed serving their country.


Last week, Pence said Russian Federation would face “serious consequences” for meddling in US elections at roughly the same time Trump appeared to encourage it, telling reporters he would welcome Russian Federation unearthing emails that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton deleted from the private servers she used while secretary of state. She continued, “There is no sacrifice comparable to giving your life in defense of others”.

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