
Bernie Sanders: Some of my supporters “will not vote” for Hillary Clinton

Ms Clinton, who has been the secretary of state, first lady and a Senator from NY, secured her nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia after a majority of the 4,764 party delegates formally backed her.


“There has never been a man or woman, not me, not Bill [Clinton] – nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States”, Mr Obama said to cheers at the event.

Mr Trump wrapped up a five-day, seven-state campaign swing in Colorado on Friday, where for a fifth straight day his supporters chanted “lock her up” whenever he brought up Mrs Clinton’s name.

Clinton herself said in her acceptance speech that the election represented a “moment of reckoning” for the country. “[She’s] a woman who’s spent her entire life fighting for women and children”.

About 4 minutes into Kaine’s speech, he asked the large crowd, “Would you rather have a bridge builder or a trash talker?”

“I’ve had a lovely, I’ve had a flawless campaign”, he said.

“It’s not just a detail if it’s your kid, if it’s your family”, she said.

Their goal is to turn out the coalition of minority, female and young voters that twice elected President Barack Obama to the White House and, like Obama, offset expected losses among the white male voters drawn to Trump’s message.

“Bernie Sanders and I will work together to make college tuition free for the middle class and debt-free for all”, Clinton said. But the same would be true of those who watched Trump’s speech online last week.

Morning Consult’s latest poll, taken July 29-30, showed a seven-point swing for Clinton since the group’s prior poll, from July 22-24, which showed the Democratic nominee trailing Trump 40%-44%. “That’s not the America I know”.

It’s the “America is great – because America is good” part. “But we are not afraid”, Clinton said. But we already know he doesn’t believe these things. But in perhaps the biggest way, the parties differed in how they defined fear to the American people. No Donald, you don’t. Many of those backing the Donald are the legions of Americans who have found themselves sidelined and silenced by a country which just isn’t working for them.


During her moving speech on the closing night of the Democratic National Convention she was showing signs that she’s the logical choice in this election and her supporters were an emotional mess taking it all in.

Trump was trailing Clinton in the latest poll 43%-40