
DNC Chairwoman to Resign Following Email Leak from Wikileaks

“I think under the circumstances, I think it would give those who opposed her fodder for disrupting this convention”.


Bernie Sanders tried to calm tensions among his delegates Monday at the Democratic National Convention but some weren’t in a listening mood, seething over a lengthy primary campaign and a damaging email disclosure.

“It is so wonderful to be able to be here with my home state”, Wasserman Schultz said, as a cascade of boos and heckling began. The hacked internal communications were mostly boring stuff, but key messages confirmed a bias toward the Hillary Clinton campaign among Schultz and her DNC staff. “Immediately, right now, we have got to defeat Donald Trump”, Sanders said in a special speech to delegates Monday afternoon, “and we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine”.

“I am proud to be part of Bernie’s movement”, Silverman said as the crowd roared.

The press, which is making such a big issue of Wasserman Schultz’s resignation, should have reported on her assisting Clinton some time ago. He acknowledged her primary race will be hard, but that doesn’t mean the party’s campaign arm will help.

In a statement to CNN the Florida congresswoman said she will leave the position after the DNC convention, being held this week in Philadelphia.

“You will see me every day between now and November 8th on the campaign trail, and we will lock arms and we will not stand down”, she insisted.

Whether she did anything wrong – and the emails seem to show more snarkiness and entitlement and arrogance more than anything – Wasserman Schultz is the DNC’s top person.

Even though Sanders has endorsed Clinton, his supporters continued their battle against her with protests on Sunday and vowed to take it to the convention floor clouding the image leaders hoped to project of a united front against Republican candidate Donald Trump. “I want her to say ‘I am going to unite the party by not showing my face'”. A spokesman says the use of the rest of the rooms, though, are out of their hands, but will ask the hotel to reserve a space for the Sanders delegate’s to meet beginning on Tuesday. “I had thought that she would have thought better of it, but she did not”.

There appeared to be no consensus among the Sanders delegates of how they would influence the convention and some suggested they may turn their backs on Virginia Sen.

Brazile served as an advisor to Bill Clinton’s presidential campaigns and managed Al Gore’s failed presidential campaign in 2000.

All eyes will be on Bernie Sanders as he addresses the DNC following months of bruising competition with Clinton.

The Vermont senator says it is of the “utmost importance” that this be explained to the state delegations.


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz announced she was stepping down last weekend.

The high road