
Slight bump for Clinton in battleground states following convention

Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea introduced her mother before the nominee addressed the Democratic National Convention on Thursday in Philadelphia.


President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden went to bat for Clinton on Wednesday night, while her husband Bill, himself a former president, delivered the keynote speech on Tuesday and First Lady Michelle Obama spoke on Monday.

Hillary Clinton has told the Democratic Convention that she accepts their nomination to run for President of the US. “Which candidate, for example, wants to overturn this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which allows billionaires to buy elections and is undermining American democracy?”

“Some people just don’t know what to make of me”, she said with a frankness that is unusual in American politics.

“I’m voting for a fighter who never, ever gives up and who always believes we can do better, if we come together and work together”, she said.

The conventions have passed without any change to that big picture, and that leaves Clinton as the favourite going into the final three months, it said. “Actually, some of the folks I defeated they probably would say, ‘Boy, he was not very nice'”.

The real estate mogul did not appreciate Clinton knocking his ability to deal with a national campaign.

Obama will continue talking about Clinton’s unique ability to conceptualize what is at stake for our government during this election. When she talked about her Methodist faith – “Do all the good you can” – she seemed to shine. “Especially in places that for too long have been left out and left behind”, Clinton said.

“I was strong for Bernie, and now I’m taking a stand for Trump”, said another. “Clinton that Donald Trump is not-it’s not that it’s not a typical campaign, the whole nature of his campaign is not on issues as much as it is on bigotry, on trying to divide us up”, he said.

“…His speech, his whole convention, seemed more about insulting me than helping the American people”. In contrast, Mr. Trump promised to bring “law and order” to the USA with a fiery message of unfairness in America that has resonated with many white, working class voters.

“They knew they didn’t want one person, one man to have the power and might be king”, Clinton said.


Brexit earned several mentions at the Republican convention, and each time there was sustained applause.

President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wave to the crowd at the Democratic National Convention