
Trump’s criticism of Cruz renews questions about temperament

Ted Cruz, he said Friday.


Newly crowned Republican nominee Donald Trump thanked volunteers and staff members Friday for “an wonderful convention” and proclaimed party unity – even as he continued to bash rival Ted Cruz and re-litigated their primary disputes of the spring. “And when Donald Trump asked me to, he didn’t ask me to endorse”.

“I don’t think Trump could win Wisconsin even if conservative talk hosts were behind him”, Sykes said. But that doesn’t seem to have panned out. The timing is aimed at shifting attention away from the end of Donald Trump’s Republican convention and generating excitement before the start of Clinton’s own convention next week in Philadelphia.

Trump held forth in the freewheeling morning event, dredging up past arguments with the Cruz team, including attacks on Cruz’s wife and father, at a time when attention was shifting Friday to the general election and Democrat Hillary Clinton’s anticipated announcement of her vice-presidential pick. She added, however, that she would reluctantly vote for Trump in November.

The senator launched a blistering assault on Mr Trump as he defended his decision not to endorse him in his prominent speech at the convention on Wednesday.

He called Cruz’s refusal to uphold his pledge to support the eventual nominee “dishonorable”.

“Again, I don’t want his endorsement”, Trump said later.

Trump made vague and unfulfilled threats to “spill the beans” about Cruz’s wife on Twitter, and insinuated that Cruz’s father had been involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway.

The speechwriter, Meredith McIver, said Mrs. Trump had read excerpts of Mrs. Obama’s speech to her as examples of things she liked.

He will tell the convention, “I am your voice”, according to a fuller draft of the speech obtained by Politico and a Democratic opposition group. The RNC crowd, of course, is largely filled with Trump supporters.

“Something has gone terribly wrong when one speaker says “vote your conscience” and gets booed”, Clinton said. I have such great – I don’t want his endorsement. just – Ted, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself. just a couple of things.

“I am not going to call him Lyin’ Ted anymore, but he did sign the pledge and it was pretty definitive”. “I think he’s a lovely guy, a lovely guy”.


While the conventions this month are taking center stage, Tammen says they are more show than substance.

Donald Trump Mike Pence