
McCain issues lengthy rebuke of Trump comments

John Oliver unleashed a scathing takedown of Donald Trump following his criticism of the father of an American Muslim solider who died protecting his unit in Iraq. She asked me not to say that because that was not the occasion for such a statement. The Chair of the Council on American Islamic relations released a statement saying: “I urge Donald Trump to apologize for his shameful remarks disparaging a Muslim gold star family and for his repeated use and promotion of anti-Muslim stereotypes”. Khan and his wife appeared last week at the Democratic National Convention, where Khan gave an emotional speech in which he questioned whether Trump had ever read the U.S. Constitution and offered to lend him his copy.


“It was very nervous, because I cannot see my son’s picture and I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are, and that’s why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn’t take it. And I controlled myself at that time, so it is very hard”, she said.

Thornberry response comes as Republicans grapple with the fallout of Trump’s criticism of Khizr and Ghazala Khan. “I would have been unable to speak because of my pain over the death of my son”, she went on to say.

The magnate also suggested that perhaps his wife didn’t speak together with her husband because she probably “wasn’t allowed to”, an apparent reference to her condition as a Muslim woman. Humayun Khan, delivered a forceful condemnation of Trump in a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Clinton said that Trump’s remarks, coupled with his behavior throughout the campaign, are “beyond my comprehension”.

In yet another television appearance on CNN, this time on “New Day”, prior to espousing his desire to get out of the spotlight, Khan doubled down on his critical comments of Trump claiming the Republican nominee was ignorant and arrogant. “Whoever saw me felt me in their heart”, Khan wrote in her op-ed. “For one to use it as it as the Democrats intended it to be used, and I don’t think Trump handled it the way he should have on his end”. He praised captain Khan as a “shining example” of bravery and valor.

The couple’s son, US Army Capt Humayun Khan, was killed by a suicide auto bomb in 2004 at the age of 27.

After Republican nominee Donald Trump lashed out at a fallen soldier’s parents, many GOP lawmakers are denouncing Trump’s comments. We have a lot of problems where… you look at San Bernardino, you look at Orlando, you look at the World Trade Centre, you look at so many different things.

To Trump’s credit, at least he’s not smearing Khan.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Sunday that Trump had crossed another inviolable line. “I have email mailbox full of assurances that I am right, we are right, and he needs to mend his way to deserve their vote”.


The confrontation between the parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, and Trump has emerged as an unexpected and potentially pivotal flash point in the general election.

Donald Trump campaigning in Colorado on Friday. On Monday Trump continued to tweet about the family of a fallen soldier despite pleas from John Mc Cain and others for him to stop