
Canada PM Harper says would take 10000 more Iraqi/Syrian refugees

“We’re a country that can contribute militarily and in a humanitarian sense, and we are doing both“. Similar laws exist in Australia, which has designated parts of Iraq and Syria as no-travel zones.


Offering safe haven to refugees simply isn’t enough, he added.

Following a campaign rally in Vancouver Sunday afternoon, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair said “there is very little evidence” that the proposal “would have any concrete effect” on stopping Canadians from being radicalized, since most travel through other countries to get to the hot spots.

“ISIS, left to its own devices, will create millions, tens of millions of refugees and victims on a monthly basis”, he said. “That’s why the global community intervened…”

PM Harper said the election would be about “leadership on the big issues that affect us all, our economy and our nation’s security”.

Canada will take an additional 10,000 refugees from Iraq and Syria over the next four years if the Conservative government is re-elected in October, Prime Minister Stephen Harper pledged on Monday.

Is Trudeau right when he calls the travel ban nothing more than “posturing”?

The Conservatives said that this promise would build on other steps, like making it a criminal offence to leave Canada to engage in terrorist activity, revoking dual citizens’ Canadian citizenship and denying it to permanent residents convicted of terrorism, making it illegal to promote terrorism, and giving authorities more powers on Canadian soil.

Rachel Pulfer, executive director of Toronto-based Journalists for Human Rights, said it would be “excessive” to put the onus on individuals to justify travel.

Politics, however, stood up and demanded attention. The event was briefly interrupted by protesters pressing the NDP leader for a position on the Energy East pipeline.

“But when bad things happen, what a leader does is he takes immediate action to make sure people are held accountable”.

As the New Democrats wobble, meanwhile, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau has had a strong campaign start, marked by a feisty and confident debate performance.

In return for helping either of the parties form a government, May said the Greens want an end to the current “first-past-the-post” electoral system, substantial movement on climate change action, the repeal of Bill C-51 anti-terror legislation and a substantial reduction of the Prime Minister’s Office budget.

Canada’s government unveiled an initiative to support minorities in the Middle East who are being threatened by the Islamic State, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced via Twitter on Monday.

Then in January, the federal government dedicated to an extra 10,000 resettlements over the subsequent three years, however has steadfastly refused to say what number of have truly arrived in Canada.


“A re-elected Conservative authorities will proceed to champion spiritual freedom and the safety of spiritual minorities as a pillar of Canadian overseas coverage”, Harper stated.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper makes a campaign stop in Ottawa on Sunday