
JK Rowling confirms the end of Harry Potter

Harry Potter magic hit Asia on Sunday morning, as aspiring witches and wizards crowded into bookstores to get their hands on the first copies of a new play that imagines the hero as an adult.


The play, which lasts more than five hours, is sold out through May. Liberals have faulted the series for sexist and patriarchal stereotypes, and for promoting a consumerist society; Conservatives, by contrast, have suggested author J.K. Rowling is trying to indoctrinate children with a “gay agenda”. “We might have down to Target and see if they have it but I just want to read it”, says Harry Potter fan Lacey Sisson.

The New York City Barnes & Noble location pulled out all the stops with four floors of “Harry Potter” activities for the young and young at heart.

Her friend David Rodriguez, a member of Slytherin house, said he never expected to get another “Harry Potter” book.

Mr Ractliffe said fans “trust J.K Rowling” in her decision to end the Harry Potter frenzy, saying that fans had plenty to look forward to in her other books.

Another Potter fan, Pryia Chatwani, said she planned on reading the book that very night.

The Cursed Child’s story is set 19 years after the events of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows. The latest instalment from the Harry Potter universe came in the form of a play called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

As it premiered on stage, the script was issued in book form around the world. The author noted that she thinks she is done with the well-loved characters.

The book comes at a time of renewed interest in Potter and his adventures.


While some of the bookstore owners braced for pre-orders of the new edition of Harry Potter well in advance, a few have a different tale to tell.

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