
Police hand out ice cream instead of ticket

This cop isn’t handing out tickets- instead he’s hot a sweet surprising for this unsuspecting driver. If you know me, you know I’m very averse to breaking rules.


Police chief Kevin Lands and officer Brian Warner proceed to question them about traffic “violations”, which the bemused couple struggle to answer.

The driver, immediately relieved, cracks up and accepts a tasty treat for her and passenger from the officer.

The video shows an officer after he pulling over a female driver and telling her she was pulled over because she was driving on a hot day without ice cream.

When asked why he did it, Chief Lands said that he and Officer Warner, “wanted to try and put some smiles on people’s faces”.

The minute-long video which was uploaded on Friday has since garnered more than 3.5 million views on Facebook.

Officer Warner says to the woman, “Good afternoon ma’am. So on behalf of the Halifax Police Department, we’re just making sure everybody is following all the laws today and are driving with ice cream”.


The truck, which is operated by the St. Louis Police Department’s Community Engagement and Organizational Development Division, has been traveling around the city since mid-July, handing out 6,000 cones, bars and other frozen novelties to kids around the city.

US police officers' heartwarming prank after pulling motorists over