
Russian television shows what Kremlin thinks of Clinton

Released by Wikileaks on the eve of the Democratic National Convention, some of the 20,000 leaked emails purportedly showed that DNC officials backed Clinton’s presidential campaign at the expense of her primary opponent, Sen.


Trump has argued that as president he would seek a easing of hostilities with Russia, as opposed to Clinton who would escalate tensions with an already aggressive Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In separate interviews on news shows, the two candidates sparred over how the USA should deal with Russian Federation and President Vladimir Putin.

The election, which will be contested between Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton, is considered to have no importance for Russian Federation by just 18 percent of respondents.

While the Democratic national convention was going on last week, Trump called for Russian Federation to hack into Clinton’s computer to find 33,000 emails she deleted after serving as the country’s top diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

On Sunday’s “Meet the Press”, Manafort said that the effort to keep the platform from supporting arms for Ukraine, which I first reported last month, “absolutely did not come from the Trump campaign”.

The United States would not tolerate that from any other country, especially one considered an adversary, Clinton said. “And you have to look at that, also”, he said in an interview with the ABC Channel. “So with all the Obama tough talk on Russian Federation and the Ukraine, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push”.

Trump last week invited Russian Federation to dig up tens of thousands of “missing” emails from Clinton’s time at the US State Department. Meredith Kelly, who is a spokeswoman for the congressional committee, said that after the committee discovered the security breach, they immediately took action. “So with all of these strong ties to NATO, Ukraine is a mess”, Trump said.

Trump’s “absolute allegiance to a lot of Russian wish-list foreign policy positions” is among the reasons he is unfit to be commander in chief, Clinton, a former USA senator, secretary of state and first lady, said in the Fox interview. “He’s not going to go to Ukraine”, Trump said.

“Donald Trump should seek the wise advice of the distinguished representatives of the Republican Party who know well what freedom, global law, and the free world mean”.

It is far from certain that Mr. Manafort’s views have directly shaped Mr. Trump’s, since Mr. Trump spoke favorably of Mr. Putin’s leadership before Mr. Manafort joined the campaign.


Trump previously suggested that he would consider recognizing Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea through an internationally-condemned referendum, which would mark a policy reversal of Washington’s stance on the matter if he is elected president in November.

Russian television shows what Kremlin thinks of Clinton