
With Khan family, has Trump gone too far?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who is due back in Iowa for a campaign event later this week, has touched off a partisan prairie fire Monday over his criticism of the parents of a fallen US soldier who spoke out against Trump at last week’s Democratic National Convention.


Another Republican senator is taking Donald Trump to task for berating the parents of a decorated Army captain killed in Iraq.

But the endorsements of Trump by McCain, Ryan and McConnell seemingly stand. “I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement“.

“I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers, or candidates”, McCain said.

Trump drew similar opprobrium a year ago when he said McCain, who as a naval aviator was shot down and taken prisoner during the Vietnam War, was not a hero since he had been captured.

Indeed, some Republicans said privately that it was the timing of this flare-up that had them on edge- the spectacle of their candidate tangling with a military family just three months before Election Day.

But Pence added that Captain Khan had died defending the country against terrorism and that Trump’s policies would reduce the likelihood that other families would face the kind of heartbreak the Khans had. – House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry of Texas. “It is not enough to simply disagree with Trump or call his comments, ‘a mistake'”.

On Monday, Iowa Democratic Party Chairwoman Andy McGuire called Trump’s comments “despicable and disgraceful” and demanded that Iowa Republicans publicly condemn the GOP presidential standard-bearer’s “hateful rhetoric” in criticizing the mother of a fallen USA soldier.

“This seemingly never ending parade of insults needs to stop, and the person to lead that effort will be Mr. Trump himself”, Sanford wrote in an email. Lindsey Graham of SC. – Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri. “And I genuinely did not think that was a part of the job that someone could be bad at”. That’s why when I saw the picture at my back I couldn’t take it, and I controlled myself at that time.

Family members of 11 service-members killed in action wrote to Trump on Monday, expressing dismay at his treatment of the family of Humayun Khan, and demanding an apology. Heading into November, our party must have a laser focus on the issues that will defeat Hillary Clinton. “Period.” – Sen. Tim Scott of SC.

“Capt. Humayun Khan, and all the Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, deserve our deepest respect and gratitude”. – Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. “Anything else is inappropriate”. She also used the episode to contrast her own religious faith with that of Trump, who has spoken of religion on the campaign trail infrequently.

Outraged Pennsylvania veterans demanded that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump apologize for his recent comments on a Gold Star family over the weekend. “As he has said previously many times, Rob does not agree with the idea of banning people from entering the country based on their religion”. – Michawn Rich, spokesperson for the OH senator.

It’s been clear for a while that Donald J. Trump is unqualified to be president of the United States.


Told that Trump was watching the interview and tweeting, Khan responded that all of his commentary about Trump had been “appropriate”, adding that Trump should listen to what America and the world are telling him about his “lack of empathy”.

John McCain