
J.K. Rowling Confirms Harry Potter’s Story ‘Is Done Now’

Staff prepare to sell copies “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” at Foyles book store on July 30, 2016 in London, England. Jack Thorne wrote the play’s script, which is based on a story by J.K. Rowling, director John Tiffany and Thorne.


Harry Potter And The Cursed Child, which picks up from the epilogue of the blockbuster series, has been released worldwide as a rehearsal script, but the choice of form limits the potential of what could have been a spell-binding epic.

The misfits develop a friendship that becomes the heart of the play, as they travel back through time in a failed bid to alter Harry’s past deeds, joined by a mysterious new character, Delphi.

“We went to her with the simple idea of a straight play”.

“Nine years ago, we came to the seventh book midnight release right here”, Amber Santiago, a self-proclaimed member of Ravenclaw house, told CNBC.

Isabella Barbuto, 18, was on the verge of tears from the sheer anticipation of getting more Harry Potter – but she was also was also anxious about the new, grown-up Harry.

Book release party attendees Heather McClention and Nicole Morgan said they were excited about the book release party but nervous about the book in general because of online reviews. “But I am so happy we got here without ruining everything”. We find ourselves in a unique situation where an English-language book sourced from the United Kingdom is cheaper than the same title sourced from the United States, because of the massive recent devaluation of the British Pound.

Unlike older millennials, 11-year-old Elmwood Park residents Ellie Johnson and Dounia Timejardine didn’t grow up with the series. They had not seen any of the scraps of the new plot available in the media; they were ready to be totally surprised.

“We spent like three years reading them at night, every night before bed”, Nora Levine said as her daughter sat at a table several feet away decorating a wooden wand with glitter and pompoms. “I am hoping it is not written in script format, but we are just hoping everyone at the party has fun tonight. After I read each book, I’m always looking for the next book”. She said that she’s “thrilled to see it realised so beautifully but, no, Harry is done now”.

Can-Am Rugby Tournament players and other people out on the town wondered aloud what was going on as they walked by, but they figured it out pretty quickly.


Elmwood Park High School graduate Lisa Donato considers herself a super fan and has grown up with the series. In fact, numerous quotes I highlighted for their sheer poetry came from the two friends just hanging out.

J.K. Rowling Confirms Harry Potter's Story 'Is Done Now'