
Criticism grows for Trump’s assailing of Muslim vet’s family

Kahn criticized Donald Trump during the Democratic National Convention for the Republican presidential nominee’s stance on immigration from Muslim countries.


“We have Americans who are Muslims who are patriotic and love this country, as evidenced by the Khan family”, the senator said. “You tell me”, Trump said.

He also said Ghazala Khan might not have been “allowed” to speak, implying her silence reflected restrictions placed on women by some traditional Muslims.

Trump broke a political and societal taboo over the weekend when he criticized Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

The budding social media movement was inspired by Ghazala Khan’s op-ed published Sunday in the Washington Post, in which she responded to Trump’s accusation that she deferred to her husband out of an apparent, would-be Islamic act of submission, because she wasn’t “allowed to have anything to say”.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, [my son] never would have been in America”, he said, adding that the NY billionaire has “sacrificed nothing and no one”.

Khan, in his appearance on “New Day”, exhorted Trump to take policy steps that would curtail extremism, not exacerbate it.

When Matthews asked the couple what they’d want a Trump apology to sound like, Ghazala Khan said she wants to hear nothing more from him.

This is yet another instance of Trump crassly stereotyping Muslim-Americans in a way that is risky and counter to the country’s values.

“I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement”, John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in a statement following remarks by Trump about Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Thursday night, the Pakistan-born Khizr Khan told the story of his son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, and questioned whether Trump had ever read the Constitution. John McCain, R-Ariz., in a statement – joining other Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who have voiced support for the Khans.

Khan said Trump “smears the character of Muslims” and has “sacrificed nothing” to defend the United States.

McCain’s forceful condemnation is the toughest rebuke to date on the issue from a senior Republican, while several others have weighed in to express support for the Khans.

Obama told the veterans group, “I’m pretty exhausted of some folks trash talking America’s military and troops”. “And honor them. And be humbled by them”, Obama said. “Captain Khan was one such fearless example”.

Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Jupiter, who is running for Rubio’s seat, blasted Trump’s comments about the Khans.

“An apology to the Khan family is very important”, said Pollock, noting that it has to be honest.


Pence then talked about Trump’s claims that he will reform the VA. “It’s just who he is”, said Stuart Jolly, a former campaign staffer and current national political director for the pro-Trump Great America PAC.

President Obama addresses the 95th National Convention of Disabled American Veterans on Monday in Atlanta