
Clinton Leads Trump by 6 Points After DNC: Reuters/Ipsos Poll

But her primary focus was persuading Americans to not be seduced by Republican presidential candidate Mr Trump’s promises to restore economic security and fend off threats from overseas.


First and foremost, Clinton will be rallying her supporters on the floor of the Democratic National Convention and millions more watching from home, who have already chose to vote for her in November.

In the biggest speech of her more than 25-year-old career in the public eye, Clinton accepted the Democratic presidential nomination for the November 8 election with a promise to make the United States a country that worked for everyone. “We want her to hopefully understand that we’re doing it for him as much as we are doing it for her”.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., waves to a supporter in downtown Philadelphia, Thursday, July 28, 2016, during the final day of the Democratic National Convention. “After all, when there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”. She never told me dad that, until he passed away she goes, ‘I voted for JFK.

“And now, despite pleading with his base to support Hillary, even though they’re concerned that she’s too moderate, Sanders will return to Vermont and to his seat in the Senate, and he’ll do it with no official party affiliation”, writes reporter Emily Zanotti.

At the convention yesterday, US Senator Tim Kaine, Mrs Clinton’s running mate, described Mr Trump as “a one-man wrecking crew” who can not be trusted in the Oval Office.

“As an Independent, I am asking you to join with me”, Bloomberg said.

“We have to decide whether we’re going to work together so we can all rise together”, she said in perhaps the most closely-watched speech of her quarter-decade in the public eye.

“I’m not really at liberty to divulge the specifics of actions other than to tell you stay in touch with California”.

Since 2011, Clinton has taken on a lead role in the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, where she is a board member.

Nic McCarthy, a 27-year-old delegate from Virginia, wasn’t planning to vote for Hillary Clinton before she started her acceptance speech. “None of us can do it alone”, Clinton will say.

During retired general John Allen’s remarks, chants of “U-S-A” filled the hall and large flags were brought in to be waved.

Inside the arena, it sounded at times more like a traditional Republican convention than a Democratic one.

The Democratic presidential candidate outlined some of her key goals: Fighting climate change, equal pay for women, abortion rights, raising the minimum wage, and providing affordable health care. Speakers, some of whom included military and police officers, made frequent mentions of religion and patriotism.

But her real audience was the millions of voters watching at home, many of whom may welcome her experience but question her character.


Mr Obama took aim at Mr Trump’s campaign slogan and promise to “Make America Great Again”.

Donald Trump Jr. gestures to the crowd after delivering a speech on the second day of the Republican National Convention on July 19 in Cleveland Ohio