
Pottermania Awakens as New Play, Book, Film Revive Magical World

San Angelo’s Hastings Entertainment, which in the past has held book release parties, is not planning an event for the new Harry Potter release, store employees said.


This isn’t a new Harry Potter novel – it’s a play script..

The two-part play – which is set 19 years after J.K. Rowling’s books and spin-off movies – has its official opening in London’s West End on Saturday (07.30.16) and producers Sonia Friedman and Colin Callender are working on plans to stage the show in NY.

A parallel storyline emerges as Harry Potter, now a 37-year-old father of three, struggles to cope with a demanding job and elements from his past.

According to an Amazon representative, the play is the most pre-ordered book on the commerce site since Deathly Hallows.

At the time fans saw it as a teaser into their favourite characters future lives – giving us just enough information to carry on the story in our imaginations.

Smith, who was 10 when the series first came out, said Harry Potter fans have always wanted to know what happened to Harry and his kids and the rest of their magical world.

It was always hard being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.

The Akron Rubber Ducks will have special Harry Potter themed activities in between innings at their game on Sunday, including pass the O.W.L.S. trivia contest and a Tri-Wizard Tournament relay race.

Despite being a hit play, remarkably little about the story’s details have been leaked out into the public, as fans of Potter commit to treating other fans to the element of surprise.

Burns said the impending release appears to have sparked renewed interest in the original series from readers of all ages.

Already, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is already breaking records ahead of its release.

There will be live entertainment on Saturday starting at 11 p.m. “If there was any way I could afford to fly to London and see the play, I would”.

“Cursed Child” would seem ripe for a movie adaptation, but Rowling’s spokeswoman says there are “no plans for there to be a film”.


“It’s something kind of fun and different, any excuse to do something out of the ordinary”, Osborne said. “The last time was Harry Potter 7”.

British author JK Rowling creator of the Harry Potter series of books poses during the launch of new online website Pottermore in Lond