
Trump Blasts ‘Democrat’ Fire Marshall Who Rescued Him from Stalled Elevator

Trump explained that he did not know the reporter was disabled and said that his remarks about Kelly were taken out of context.


The former Celebrity Apprentice host and Republican presidential nominee addressed followers in Davonport, Iowa on Thursday night (local time) and Colorado Springs on Friday night (local time).

‘Hey, maybe he’s a Hillary person, ‘ Trump said of fire marshal Brett Lacey.

Trump asked, “How do you lie to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and now you are running for president?” “I’ve been nice”, Trump explained to his supporters in this evangelical bastion of Colorado Springs.

“I’m not telling you that everything is peachy keen – I’m telling you we’ve made progress, but we have work to do”.

“I was curious to see whether she’d do a class act and not mention my name”, Trump said.

In a well-received Democratic convention speech, Muslim lawyer Khizr Khan said Trump has “sacrificed nothing and no one” for his country.

While lambasting Hillary Clinton over the FBI’s investigation into her use of a private email server at the State Department, the crowd reprised the anti-Clinton “lock her up” chant that gained traction during last week’s Republican National Convention.

In response to the backlash from professors and some students over UCCS allowing the Trump campaign to lease on-campus space, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak stated “University of Colorado can not discriminate against political candidates on the basis of their viewpoints”. “I’m taking the gloves off”, Trump told his supporters at an election rally in Colorado. He said that he is outspoken at his school about cultural sensitivity and that Trump does not support those values.

“He’s probably a Democrat. I just beat 16 people – and I’m beating her”.

“I’m starting to agree with you, frankly”, he said. “I had no idea”, he said.

He added that although he disagrees with Trump’s policies, his visit was “a good thing” and “healthy”, and that the best way to let people know that they disagree with Trump’s message is to “let them hear him talk” rather than barring him from campus. She said that whatever it takes, Trump must be stopped from getting into office.

Colorado has been a sore subject for Trump as of late.

“I can’t think of an election that is more important, certainly in my lifetime”, Clinton told supporters at the rally in Philadelphia.

Their goal is to turn out the coalition of minority, women and young voters that twice elected Barack Obama while offsetting expected losses among the white men drawn to Mr Trump’s message.


In particular, Trump expressed his discontent that “we pay rent for our base to Saudi Arabia”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at the Gallogly Event Center on the campus of the University of Colorado