
Bernie Sanders Tells His Delegates To Be Respectful During Clinton Acceptance Speech

Where Trump, at his party’s convention last week, only mentioned former presidents to decry their policies, Clinton placed herself in a lineage that began with the founding fathers, took in Depression-era president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and extended to 2008 Republican nominee John McCain and President Obama himself.


Sanders used his speech at the convention on Monday to urge Democrats to rally behind Clinton. Biden’s America is a land of equality, but only because we refuse to give in to fear and hatred. “I see Americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together – black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, young, old, gay, straight, men, women, folks with disabilities all pledging allegiance under the same proud flag to this great, bold country that we love”.

Hillary Clinton cemented her place in American lore by accepting the Democratic nomination for president Thursday, a transformative event that cast forth a remarkably prepared but deeply distrusted leader onto the world stage. “And that’s why I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America”.

Democratic strategists say Obama can help Clinton considerably.

From The president headlined the night’s speeches, and a few of his boasts of his record headline our fact-checking report.

The convention’s presentations Wednesday became an echo chamber of alarms about the NY businessman, who during a news conference in Florida encouraged Russian Federation to conduct cyber-espionage in search of Hillary Clinton’s private emails from her years at the State Department.

Even after the conventions conclude, this race is far from over.

“I will be a president for Democrats, Republicans, and independents”, she added.

Clinton challenged the narrative behind Trump’s campaign slogan that suggests that America is no longer great. They showed who she is as a person.

“Don’t believe anyone who says: ‘I alone can fix it, ‘” she said.

Sanders said his concerns about Trump, the billionaire businessman formally nominated by the Republicans last week, go beyond his plans to offer tax breaks and ignore climate change.

“Think about everything you learn as a child, no matter where you are raised”, Biden said with evident disgust.

“Putting politics before principle, these Democrats are “Ready for Hillary” regardless of how untrustworthy and reckless she’s found by voters or even the Federal Bureau of Investigation”, said Emily Davis, spokeswoman for the group, in a statement. Hillary Clinton took the stage at the Democratic National Convention on July 28, looking stunning in an all-white pantsuit. When they voted for Barack Obama, they were proclaiming themselves part of a new America, diverse and cosmopolitan and unafraid of the future.

Survivors of the 2015 shooting at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina, came out strongly in favor of Clinton.

Much of his speech, posted on the Utah State Democratic Party Facebook page, focused on his campaign themes, including the need to confront the “corporate greed” behind the money that funds campaigns.


She also will continue to woo moderate Republicans who may be unnerved by Trump, but unconvinced by Clinton. He has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country and a wall along the border with Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out. Tim Kaine, and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg hammered home the familiar warnings that Trump is unsafe, divisive and a narcissist who should never mobilize the USA military or unleash nuclear missiles. Sherrod Brown heralded Clinton as a champion of workers and castigated Trump for outsourcing to other countries production of his branded suits, ties and glassware.

Hillary Clinton's Historic Night: The Party Rallies Around Its First Female Nominee