
Clinton promises to be president “for all Americans”, accepts nomination

Republican candidate for the White House Donald Trump “wants to divide us from the rest of the world, and from each other”, warned the former Secretary of State who was interrupted by applause from the convention attendees on several occasions.


Ravinder Lakhian, a Sikh-American Clinton delegate from California, told NBC News he was excited to be part of history with Clinton becoming the first female nominated for president by a major party.

PHILADELPHIA-President Barack Obama showed Wednesday night why he will be a formidable force in the campaign to choose his successor.

“That’s the Hillary I know”, Obama will continue. But in Hillary Clinton’s America, millions of people are left out in the cold.

Her speech came just before a moving video narrated by Morgan Freeman, which featured a bevy of Clinton supporters, including President Obama and 9/11 survivors who spoke of her concern during the attacks. “We all need to get out and vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and then hold them accountable until they get the job done”. Trump wrapped up a five-day, seven-state campaign swing in Colorado on Friday, where for a fifth straight day his supporters chanted “lock her up” whenever he brought up Clinton’s name.

And proceeded to repeatedly knock him out-not with negativity, but with a bounding optimism and love for America.

But he did say more than that. Trust me. It was about optimism, about believing America’s greatest days truly lie head.

“Ask yourself: Does Donald Trump have the temperament to be Commander-in-Chief? And that, in the end, may be the biggest difference in this election-the meaning of our democracy”.

“You know, nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the Oval Office”. She will say Americans are “stronger together”.

“It’s not just a detail if it’s your kid, if it’s your family”, she said.

In her address, Clinton outlined “how we’re going to empower Americans to live better lives”.

I’m moved that we actually got here in my lifetime, and I’m glad that it’s her: This woman, of all women, has had to fight to earn her place at the table.


For many African Americans-both in the audience during the president’s speech and watching at home-this was a bittersweet moment. The speech was good, as numerous president’s speeches are, but it was yet another reminder that the president will soon not be the president.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton acknowledges the crowd as she arrives on stage during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia