
Clinton leads Trump by seven points, poll shows

At a campaign rally on Monday, Trump made a decision to hit Bernie Sanders again for his endorsement of Hillary Clinton, a move that disappointed some of the Vermont senator’s more die hard supporters.


In a two-way head-to-head matchup, Clinton tops Trump 52% to 43%, and in a four-way matchup including third party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, Clinton leads 45% to 37% with Johnson at 9% and Stein at 5%.

One of Clinton’s biggest problems – Americans’ negative view of her – remains, but it has eased somewhat since the convention last week in Philadelphia, the survey suggested.

As per which keeps track of all major national polls, Clinton has an average 3.9 percentage point lead over Trump.

“In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents”, said McCain, a Republican who supported his party’s nominee even after he himself felt the sting of Trump’s rhetoric.

The 49% saying the DNC made them feel more apt to vote for Clinton is the fourth highest in CNN/ORC and Gallup polling, dating back to the 1984 Democratic convention.

At a rallies in OH and Pennsylvania, Trump trained his fire back on his opponent, saying that by endorsing Clinton, Vermont U.S. Sen. In 2000, support for Democrat Al Gore rose 10 points after the Democratic convention, but he went on to lose a close race that fall.

The Senate now comprises 54 Republicans, 44 Democrats and two independents who caucus with the Democrats.

The poll also shows that 90 percent of both Clinton and Trump voters say their minds are made up about their candidate.

“I ask Donald Trump – Have you no sense of decency, sir?” said billionaire Warren Buffett at a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton in Omaha, Neb., last night, invoking the famous line Boston lawyer Joseph Welch leveled at Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.

Khan spoke emotionally of the sacrifice his son had made for the country as an American Muslim, specifically criticising Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country.

Thirty-one percent of voters have a positive opinion of Trump, which is about the same as before the Republican convention, according to CBS. Trump’s rating among registered voters did take a hit, from a 39% favorable and 59% unfavorable reading before either convention to a 35% favorable to 61% unfavorable read now.


Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine expressed shock that the GOP nominee would attack Ghazala Khan for not speaking during her husband’s address to the Democratic convention.

Credit Jo Ingles