
WADA defends timing of Russian Federation report

CAS said it would announce on Tuesday whether more hearings would be needed in the cases of swimmers Vladimir Morozov and Nikita Lobintsev.


According to the IWF, a total of seven confirmed AAFs for Russian weightlifters from the combined reanalysis process.

“To summarise it: It is coming together”, Bach tells a news conference Sunday. “The IOC is not responsible for the accreditation or supervision of anti-doping laboratories”.

At least 117 of the 387 sportsmen and women that Russian Federation had wanted to send to Rio have been excluded.

Days before the Olympics begin, a study shows the waterways of Rio de Janeiro are as filthy as ever.

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach rejected suggestions at a press conference that the chaos represented a “huge failure” for the IOC.

“The IOC is not responsible for the timing of the McLaren report”, Bach said.

WADA had received information from whistleblowers a few years ago but did not act quickly.

RIO DE JANEIRO – The split between Olympic leaders and global anti-doping officials over the Russian doping scandal continues to escalate. Doping in Russian athletics was exposed in a German television documentary in 2014.

“He seemed to use WADA as a diversion in some way”, Reedie said.

WADA acknowledged that the McLaren report had been “destabilizing for a number of organizations” but said it had been published as quickly as possible.

Eight times since 1995, the American men have either been disqualified or failed to get the baton around the track at the Olympics or world championships. After a disappointing showing at the London games – Lopez was knocked out in the first round after suffering an injury shortly before – he will be even more motivated to prove he is still one of the sport’s biggest stars. And that’s what, I think, gives you that longevity. “I will make sure our voices aren’t just heard, but that they are effective and that we empower athletes around the world to do the same”.

Protecting clean athletes should be a priority, says former Canada ice hockey player Hayley Wickenheiser, a six-time Winter Olympian.

At Rio, athletes will also be allowed to wear one color in addition to white on their pants, which may feature a national flag or color; 20 countries have already submitted their designs and more are expected to follow suit before the games start.

The panel is made up of Ugur Erdener, president of World Archery and head of the IOC medical and scientific commission, Claudia Bockel of the IOC athletes commission, and Spanish IOC member Juan Antonio Samaranch.

Bach used his speech at Monday night’s opening ceremony of the IOC’s general assembly to address the continuing criticism of the Olympic body’s response to evidence of state-sponsored doping in Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, Bach declared Rio “ready” to host the Games and said problems with shoddy construction work at the Olympic Village had been resolved.


The IWF said last week that “the integrity of the weightlifting sport has been seriously damaged on multiple times and levels by the Russians, therefore an appropriate sanction was applied in order to preserve the status of the sport”.

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