
Family of man shot dead by Chicago police file lawsuit

The action was taken after autopsy results showed that an 18-year-old theft suspect died of a gunshot wound in his back.


Three Chicago cops involved in a fatal police shooting last week have been stripped of their policing powers and assigned to administrative duties pending investigations into the incident. He said public video of officers, including the infamous clip of Officer Jason Van Dyke shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times, have directly led to charges, and could in this case as well.

Share with Us – We’d love to hear eyewitness accounts, the history behind an article, and smart, constructive criticism. “So if it’s an honest mistake, then we will get them training, coaching, mentoring and get them back out there”. Officers fired their weapons at the auto after it crashed into a police vehicle and sideswiped a second auto. Chicago Police First Deputy Superintendent John Escalante says the driver of the Jaguar, identified as O’Neal, then put the vehicle in drive, sideswiping a squad auto and a parked vehicle.

Johnson has not commented specifically on which departmental policies were violated in the shooting, but in 2015, the department revised its use-of-force policy to prohibit firing on a moving vehicle if it was the only threat against the officers or others.

This spring, body cameras were added to six more districts on the South and West Sides that were chosen based on a review of patrol activity, crime patterns, calls for service and geography.

Authorities have said officers stopped a Jaguar convertible that had been reported stolen. However, three officers have been relieved of their duties in connection with the shooting.

Two officers fired shots at O’Neal while he was still in the vehicle.

The lawsuit, filed Monday, states that the police officers fired at Paul O’Neal “without lawful justification or excuse”. Video from the body camera could have provided critical evidence in the shooting.

Johnson’s decision to suspend the three police officers involved in the shooting has been widely welcomed. The city had 65 murders in July alone, with 362 shooting incidents and 441 shooting victims, according to the Chicago Police Department.

“Paul O’Neal’s constitutional rights were violated”, attorney Michael Oppenheimer told reporters. A fourth officer, who also responded to the scene but did not fire, was wearing an operational body camera.


“There’s a lot of video footage of it, but the actual encounter, that part is not captured on video”, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said at a press conference Monday.

Three Chicago police officers relieved of duty after fatal shooting