
Are Blairites preventing pro-Corbyn Labour supporters from voting?

Owen Smith, who has said Britons should get to vote again on leaving the European Union once a Brexit deal is decided, is running against Corbyn in a leadership contest triggered by Labour lawmakers who say they had lost confidence in his ability to lead the party and win an election.


Socialist Jeremy Corbyn was forced to return to the campaign stump to defend his short tenure in charge of the opposition Labour Party on Thursday as he launched a campaign to keep his job in the face of a leadership challenge.

In September 2016, registered Labour Party members are due to head to the polls to vote for either Corbyn or Smith to be the next party leader.

But as he appealed for loyalty Corbyn gave a detailed run-down of revised Westminster constituencies in 2018 and said every Labour MP will face a reselection process.

Corbyn’s only challenger for the leadership, lawmaker Owen Smith, told the Guardian newspaper he was “furious” at what he said was the Labour leader’s inability to fight the Conservative government.

A spokesman for the Labour leader clarified later that “sitting MPs whose constituencies are not affected would be reselected through trigger ballots”.

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A High Court claim brought by Labour donor Michael Foster, a former parliamentary candidate, is now against one named defendant – the party’s general secretary Iain McNicol, who is being sued in a representative capacity.

Several new funds have been set up offering to pay the £25 charge in exchange for a vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the upcoming Labour elections.

He shares numerous same economic policies as the Labour leader, and regularly praises his campaigning spirit, but suggests that Mr Corbyn can not win a general election.

“We have seen intolerance in the party, abuse in the Labour party that we have never seen before”.

Labour MP Owen Smith, who has secured the position as the party’s “unity” candidate to challenge leader Jeremy Corbyn, has come under criticism over his former role as a lobbyist for U.S. drugs company Pfizer.

“It is the duty and the responsibility of every Labour MP to get behind the party at that point and put it against the Tories for the different, fairer, kinder Britain that we can build together.


We worked very well together in opposing the cuts in working tax credits”, said Corbyn. “I hope they will recognise that and come on board”.

Jeremy Corbyn