
Meet Trump’s latest political enemy: Fire marshals

Copyright 2015 SIGNAL. Permission to use portions of this article is granted provided appropriate credits are given to and other relevant sources. “She would be a disaster”, he said.


Ghazala Khan has said she didn’t speak because she’s still overwhelmed by her grief and can’t even look at photos of her son without crying.

Convention officials, however, stressed that Trump’s campaign knew of the 1,000-person capacity since Friday.

In a statement, Clinton said she was “very moved” by Ghazala Khan’s appearance.

The Clinton and Pence campaign events come on the heels of Trump’s visit to the state Friday, which still has some circles reeling about a peculiar spat with the Colorado Springs Fire Department. It turns out that Brett Lacey was named Citizen of the Year for his actions following the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs. Trump told supporters that this kind of oppression is why America is “going to hell” and accused the marshal of being a Clinton supporter.

She said Americans are living in a time of “really hot politics”. “Hateful things. Insulting things”, she said. “That’s why we’re going to hell”.

Political analysts will be watching closely in the coming days to see if Clinton receives a bounce nationally from the convention, which was well received for its crisp choreography.

She is pitching for disgruntled working class voters, who have formed the backbone of Trump’s base, and is trashing the real estate mogul for making so many of his products overseas and for alienating women, Hispanics and Muslims. The Cincinnati said he always has voted for Republicans for president, but will vote for Clinton this year.

Mrs Clinton is playing up economic opportunity, diversity and national security.

Trump, speaking Monday in OH, said that he felt that the Democrats had fixed their primary system so Hillary Clinton could defeat Bernie Sanders and claimed that the Republican nomination would have also been stolen from him had he not won “by such tremendous margins”.

That Pennsylvania, which Democrats have carried in every presidential election since 1992, is in play underscores the threat posed by Trump, who campaigned in Scranton on Wednesday. He also said he never made fun of New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski, who is disabled.


There would be “no more Mr. Nice Guy” Trump vowed, ignoring his yearlong track record of pillorying Clinton on the campaign trail, including raising her husband’s White House sex scandal and referring to her as a “nasty, mean enabler”.

Dems don t prefer a Clinton Hickenlooper ticket