
Pokemon Go Starting To Get Poor Reviews

The user interface of Pokemon has also been updated, making it simpler to navigate around. Now Pokevision and those like it may have to shutter their doors after rises nearly as meteoric as Pokemon GO itself.


The Pokemon Go update also brings in certain security-related messages that will turn up right after the initial boot screen for the game and ask the players to be more careful while playing the game. Either way the accessory is still on track for a September release so you’ll have a month plus or so of waiting. The tracking system inside of Pokemon Go has been broken for a while now, with third party sites and services filling the gaps in for players and allowing them to track and find Pokemon with better ease.

The game developer, Niantic, released an update on 31 July that disabled the in-game tracking system, created to show how close Pokemon are to your location.

One of the truly great things about mobile games compared to other platforms for video games is that they are works in progress.

Analysts had previously suggested that Apple stands to make $3 billion from Pokemon Go, and the launch of the hugely-popular app chimed with its strategy to make more from its services. Now that Niantic killed the feature and goes after trackers, trainers are outraged.

The entire affair puts a dampener on the game for many, and the media silence on Niantic’s behalf does them little favors in this instance. Considering the fact that it is incredibly hard to hunt down Pokemon devoid of any help whatsoever, players have taken to Twitter to express their grief about the tracking function of the game being deactivated.

One gamer was apparently moved to tears.

If you’ve been training for a while now, you will notice some changes on the game.


While athletes have taken to Twitter to express their dismay at the situation, hackers have also stepped into the spotlight attacking Niantic CEO’s Twitter account.

Pokemon Go Craze Hits New York City