
Mike Pence to visit Phoenix, Tucson Tuesday

Trump himself has turned name-calling into a high art form, deploying derogatory nicknames for his opponents including “Lyin” Ted” Cruz, “Liddle Marco” Rubio and “Crooked Hillary’ Clinton. Pence sat down with Hewitt this morning, where the radio host pointed out that suppressing the press is “not in the American tradition”.


“The man I see when the kleig lights are off – he is solicitous, he is bright, he is engaging”.

Pence says Trump will repeal the Johnson amendment in the USA tax code, which prohibits tax-exempt organizations like religious groups from engaging in political races.

The rally in Waukesha, a suburb of Milwaukee, is Pence’s first solo campaign stop since he joined the ticket almost two weeks ago.

“People in small communities like mine and Lima need a partner in the White House who will work with us to build up our small businesses by allowing them to get access to capital and cut the red tape”, he said.

Donald Trump’s pick of Mike Pence as his running mate may have been meant to appease the Republican establishment, but don’t expect it to quickly smooth relations with the corporate world.

Trump banned the Post from being credentialed for campaign events last month.

“I think that part of the role that at least he expressed is saying let’s take the vision”, said Gov. Pence.

According to a transcript of the interview, Hewitt said: “Will you argue with him (Trump) to lift that ban, because reporters are part of the game”.

“You know I stand here among these Michiganders and I’m just a guy from down south of the border”.

Pence’s campaign expressed embarrassment and regret about the episode, which an official blamed on overzealous campaign volunteers.

Almost a dozen news outlets, including Politico, BuzzFeed, the Daily Beast, Univision and the Huffington Post, are also on that list. “Frankly, Republicans in California did not react quickly enough to them, and we have paid a awful price”.


The Indiana governor will hold a town hall at the DeltaPlex in Walker at 3 p.m. with 1,000 people expected to attend.

Donald Trump s running mate make s campaign stop in Waukesha