
Warren Buffett challenges Donald Trump to release his tax returns

But Buffett suggested the real reason is fear, saying, “You’re only afraid if you have something to be afraid of”. “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest”, the Republican nominee told a town hall crowd in Columbus, Ohio. “He can pick the place”, he continued.


Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire and former New York City mayor, slammed Trump at the July Democratic National Convention, calling him a “dangerous demagogue” and a “con”. Soon after, Trump claimed the Koch brothers reached out to him, and he turned them down.

The Omaha billionaire said he’s willing to meet Trump any where and any time before Election Day to let the public inquire about their tax filings.

Trump speaks during a town hall event in Columbus, Ohio, August 1, 2016.

The Midwestern stop came amid a clash between Trump and a Muslim-American family who spoke against him at the Democratic National Convention.

In the same interview, Trump ridiculed Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American US army captain who was killed by a vehicle bomb in Iraq in 2004. He blasted Trump for his attacks on the family of a fallen soldier, and appeared outraged that Trump compared his own “sacrifices” as a businessman to those of a family mourning a child dead in the nation’s service.

“No member of the Buffett family has gone to Iraq or Afghanistan”.

“Well la dee da”, Buffett said.

“We both have done extremely well”, Buffett said.

The Nebraska billionaire then said he wanted to “make a little news” that would be “a surprise even to Hillary”. Nebraska is one of just two US states that award electoral votes in presidential elections by congressional district. President Barack Obama took the electoral votes in Nebraska’s 2nd District over Republican John McCain in 2008.

“The Republican Party that he is representing is going to create the opportunities for the growth we need in our country”, he said. “I am looking at the people that can change that 269 to 270.”Buffett offered to help take Nebraskans to the polls on November 8to make sure that more potential voters in his congressional district turn out than in “any district in the country”.

“In the next 10 years, the company loses money every year, every single year, and he takes out $44 million in compensation during that period”, Buffett said Monday.

Buffett is the third big-name businessman to get behind Clinton’s bid for the White House in the past week.

Along with raising concerns about her character, Trump also criticized her tax plan.


Additional contributions by Colin Campbell.

Don Walton: We all ought to vote this time