
Donald Trump Moves From ‘Crooked Hillary’ To ‘The Devil’

In a packed high school gymnasium in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, last night, Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton “the devil”.


Republican Representative Richard Hanna of NY says he will vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – not Donald Trump – in November, making him the first GOP member of Congress to publicly declare he would vote against the party’s nominee.

Mr Obama said that Mr Trump’s attacks on the Muslim parents – Khizr and Ghazala Khan – of a soldier killed in Iraq mean the Republican candidate is “woefully unprepared” to serve as president. “Believe me, he has buyer’s remorse. If he would’ve just not done anything, just gone home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero”. He should have not made a deal.

At another rally, this time in Columbus, Ohio, Trump said: ‘I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest, ‘ without offering any evidence or explanation for his allegations.

Former Republican candidate and veteran of the Vietnam War John McCain slammed Trump for his comments, saying that the candidate did not have “unfettered licence to defame the best among us”.

“I’ve been hearing about it for a long time”, Trump said. June’s donors gave Trump $51 million in donations, while Clinton raised $70 million during the same period.

References to the devil have peppered the presidential election, with both sides labelling various politicians as incarnations of, or linked to, Lucifer. The sizeable chunk of Americans who profess Christian faith is a familiar talking point and there is a good reason why: 69 per cent of registered voters in the United States election say they are Christians.

For Donald Trump, it’s become a familiar pattern.

“And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us”.

Sanders says that he wasn’t angry during the Democratic convention.

“She picked a vice presidential candidate who is like the exact opposite of him”, he said of Sen. ABC’s Tom llamas is on the trail with trump in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.


She’s consolidated support among women, non-whites and independents since the Democratic convention, according to the poll.

Donald Trump Calls Hillary Clinton 'the Devil'