
ASU bookstore plans release party for new Harry Potter book

There will also be a four-hour Harry Potter celebration of the book’s release beginning at 9 p.m. Saturday at Barnes & Noble at New Mexico State University, 1400 E. University Ave.


In a hunt to find the most recognisable Harry Potter symbol among its Indian fans, the survey was conducted over a course of two weeks.

And can you blame them? “What we would really like most of all is to bring people in who have never been to the theatre before”, she said.

“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two” is the script for the play by Jack Thorne, based on an original story written by himself as well as Rowling and director John Tiffany.

It did not give sales figures but said the book was expected to its biggest seller of 2016, and that midnight parties are planned in stores around the nation on Saturday night. When rumors of an eighth Harry Potter book release started circulating on social media, J.K. Rowling was quick to clarify that the new release would be a script of the London stage production, not a novel.

The story is about Harry, now all grown up and joined the Ministry of Magic.

“Wow! It’s awesome – it’s so like Harry Potter!” gushes Ines Pinto, a wide-eyed 11-year-old who makes a beeline for a stack of works on the young magician at the store’s entrance.

But at Hogwarts, Albus struggles with the weight of his family legacy and goes to extreme and risky lengths to right the wrongs of the past.

“From 10 p.m. on July 30 until 1 a.m. on July 31, we’ll be hosting the witches and wizards of P.G. for games, photos, tea leaf reading, a costume contest, and a few other magical activities”, said bookstore spokesperson Kayli VanderMeer.

She said in a YouTube video: “You’ve been fantastic for years at keeping Harry Potter secrets so you don’t spoil the books for readers who came after you”.

In a digital era, when people of all ages are glued to electronic devices and books are often seen as relics of the past, it’s refreshing and encouraging to witness the enthusiasm around the release of the latest instalment of the Harry Potter book series.

According to an Amazon representative, the play is the most pre-ordered book on the commerce site since Deathly Hallows.


“There is huge excitement”, said Melissa Anelli, webmistress of Harry Potter website The Leaky Cauldron.

LONDON ENGLAND- JUNE 08 A general view of The Palace Theatre following the first preview of the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child play last night