
Trump is ‘unfit,’ Obama says, challenging GOP to end support

For what it’s worth, the GOP leadership has made it plain that they object to Trump’s attacks on the Khans, but their range of options has been limited, thanks to voters who chose Trump by a wide plurality over several other candidates, including Jeb. But some Republicans have already decided that Clinton is a decent alternative to The Donald. This week, one of them says she’s leaving the party _ driven out by Trump. What is that line?


In recent weeks, in an effort to woo angry Sanders supporters to his campaign, Trump has made the claim that the Democrats’ process was also rigged. Hayes asked, “Isn’t that just people lying to themselves?”

Republican leaders have urged Trump to drop his attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan, who appeared at last week’s Democratic convention and harshly criticized the GOP nominee.

Bradshaw told CNN that Trump’s latest war of words – involving Khizr and Ghazala Khan, parents of a slain US soldier – made her “sick to my stomach”.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said recently that prospects this year are “pretty slim”, while House Speaker Paul Ryan has accused Obama of messing up the negotiations.

President Obama delivered a blistering critique of Donald Trump Tuesday.

Bradshaw served as Jeb Bush’s campaign manager when Bush ran unsuccessfully for Florida governor in the early 1990s and again four years later when he won.

Sally Bradshaw, who was a senior adviser to Bush’s failed presidential campaign, told CNN she left the Republican party and turned independent.

For his part, Bush, too, also earlier said he won’t vote for either Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton. He suggested the Khan family should be angry with Clinton, who supported the war in Iraq when she was a US senator representing NY.

Sen. Mark Kirk, who is facing a tough re-election fight in IL, rescinded his endorsement of Trump in June after the GOP nominee criticized an American-born judge’s Mexican heritage. Trump is backed by all but two vulnerable GOP senators – Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who is still in a “wait and see” mode, and Mark Kirk of IL, who withdrew his endorsement after Trump’s attacks on a USA judge of Mexican heritage.

Obama added that his criticism is more fundamental than policy differences.

Bradshaw told CNN she had been considering switching parties for a while, but Trump’s recent comments solidified her decision.

“Donald Trump is just not doing what is required to win”, Scarborough said on Morning Joe, noting that instead of focusing on weak economic recovery figures and building an infrastructure to get out the vote, Trump “says he’s going to win by giving speeches and going on Twitter”.

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