
US women lawmakers back Hillary Clinton as next President

“I’ve laid out my strategy for defeating ISIS”, Clinton said.


Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesPHILADELPHIA, PA – JULY 27: US President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton embrace on the third day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center, July 27, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Vying to be the first woman elected USA president, Clinton called her nomination “a milestone”.

Vice President Joe Biden said of Trump that no major party nominee has been less prepared to handle the country’s national security.

As she prepared to deliver her speech, people familiar with the matter said the FBI is investigating a cyber attack against another Democratic Party group, which may be related to an earlier hack against the Democratic National Committee. “People ask me all the time: How does she do it?…Here’s how: It’s because she never, ever forgets who she’s fighting for”.

So don’t let anyone tell you that our country is weak.

Democrats haven’t won a majority of white votes in years, and Clinton trails Trump among white voters by an average of 17 points, and will have to bank on the Obama coalition.

“I’m hoping we’ll be more transparent”, said Jeri Shepherd, a Colorado DNC member. We’ll be back to follow the campaign and other political stories next week.

Clinton used her speech to attack Trump – and his use of Twitter.

Millions of Americans have tuned in to watch this month’s party conventions, with the Democratic get-together is ahead in terms of ratings over last week’s Republican event.

What else did she say about America and about her opponent, Donald Trump.

Some of you might wonder why I haven’t mentioned trust-the stonewalling, deception, and lies that virtually destroyed her credibility.

Clinton challenged the narrative behind Trump’s campaign slogan that suggests that America is no longer great.

“Americans don’t say ‘I alone can fix it.’ We say, “We’ll fix it together”. And also when she spoke about her experience with disabled children, and the time she wonderfully said, “When there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit”, it touched me and I am sure many others.

At the end of the speech America was left inspired and crying uncontrollably because the historical impact of the moment was just too much to deal.


She also launched a scathing rebuke of Trump for painting a misleadingly dark picture of American society and she pledged repeatedly to create new jobs.

Bernie Sanders calls Donald Trump 'most dangerous candidate to run for president' in modern history