
Tim Kaine to Get an Introduction, and an Audition

Kaine, who officially accepted the nomination as Clinton’s running mate Wednesday night, acknowledged that the Democratic National Convention began in “turmoil” with Sanders’ delegates protesting a Clinton presidency. “I never expected to be here”, Kaine said early on in his 25-minute speech before giving the Wells Fargo Arena crowd his backstory as a fledgling politician and role in helping Jesuit missionaries in Honduras. He ruled himself out, and added that Democrats have to win the election first.


He says he was “honored and humbled” to get the call from Clinton, and briefly outlined why he got in to politics- something Kaine says he’ll give more insight on during his acceptance speech tonight.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is dismissing heavy Democratic criticism as “mostly false stuff”.

Most polls find voters rate Clinton worse than Trump on trustworthiness. “She’s ready because she knows in America we are stronger when we are together”, Kaine said. Today, he says he realized that “we can not discriminate against people” and he says that Clinton feels he’s a progressive, but also a “practical”. “I said, ‘What for?’ I said, ‘You’re Hillary’s running mate.’ He said, ‘No I’m not'”.

When joking about fatherhood during his DNC speech, Kaine prompted a ton of “dad jokes” on Twitter.

Chambers believes his skill of being bilingual “will be very helpful”.

He said the discipline he learned locally, as well as working with others to gain consensus, will help in the race for president.

Kaine emphasized the importance not just of speaking Spanish, but being able to listen to the Latino community. “He is not faking it”. “They respect you enough to tell you how they will get things done”, Kaine said. “The revolution you have started continues within the Clinton administration”.

Despite rumblings of pro-Bernie delegates trying to derail Kaine’s nomination, no one else garnered the 300 signatures necessary to have their name placed into nomination.

But Clnton, he said was “listo” or the Spanish word for ready.


Megan Powell is a reporter for, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine