
Everything You Need to Know About the Khan Family

“We can tell him he’s wrong”, Trump laughed. That is not our style.


McCain responded with a lengthy denunciation in which he said Trump does not have “unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”. I think this would have been one of those times for him to simply extend condolences. He was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.

“This story is not about Mr. Khan, who is all over the place doing interviews, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the U.S. Get smart!” And few Democrats appear ready to declare Trump’s criticism of Khan a turning point. To which Donald Trump replied – “I’ve made a lot of sacrifices”.

“I can’t comprehend how a parent who lost a child, how his mind works”.

Khizr Khan also explained why he made a decision to pull out a small copy of the US constitution during his convention speech.

As a Muslim woman, and as the leader of the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, I reject the Islamophobia and stereotyping that underlie Trump’s false implications and smears.

“I want his family to counsel him, teach him some empathy”, he told CNN. “He is a black soul”.

“I’d like to hear his wife say something”, Donald Trump sneered.

Indeed, some Republicans said privately that it was the timing of this flare-up that had them on edge- the spectacle of their candidate tangling with a military family just three months before Election Day. In an interview with ABC News, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested Ghazala Khan was not permitted to speak because of her religion. “Walking onto the convention stage, with a huge picture of my son behind me, I could hardly control myself”. Does he really need to wonder why I did not speak?

The outcry has been swift and bipartisan.

And this afternoon another Republican -and veteran- Sen. “But, and as far as I’m concerned, he’s a hero”, Trump said.

She said she emailed the Khans after the Democratic National Convention speech, telling them how fearless they were. “There is a sense of disconnect at times between us and the rest of the country”.

Here are nine Republicans who have praised Khan following Trump’s attacks.

“No-one has given more for our freedom and our security than our Gold Star families”, he said, using a term to describe the families of soldiers killed in Iraq. He addresses the charge by Mr. Khan that he has sacrifice nothing in his life, and no one.

“No matter what Trump has said or done – from shameful personal attacks to racist outbursts – John McCain has blindly pledged to ‘support the nominee”, said Max Croes, campaign manager for McCain’s Democratic opponent, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, in one typical response from a Democratic Senate campaign. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership.

“This shouldn’t be hard”, Reid said.

Three Colorado GOP congressmen also issued statements, ranging from highly critical to expressions of support for families of those killed in action.

Pence moved quickly in the statement to bashing President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for “disastrous decisions” that he said allowed Islamic State to overrun “a once stable Middle East”.

“I don’t know where the boundaries are”.


Trump explained that with the “state of the world today, we have to know everything about those looking to enter our country, and given the state of chaos in some of these countries, that is impossible”. “Donald Trump and I believe that Captain Humayun Khan is an American hero and his family, like all Gold Star families, should be cherished by every American”.

Trump in trouble as demands for apology grow