
Donald Trump accepts GOP nomination, says ‘I alone can fix’ system

Trump said any direct support from Cruz would be moot at this point at a news conference Friday, CNN reported. But he says he was “disappointed in some of the jabs he took during his speech”.


But when she heard Cruz had “just committed suicide” in front of the GOP delegates and millions of viewers, she made a decision to check it out. Macy is chairman of the Waukesha County Republicans.

Cruz, known as a ideologue of the conservative Tea Party movement who strongly favors small government, has been a controversial figure in the party himself, upsetting fellow Republicans in Congress by plowing his own furrow. She said “he hires the best person for the job, period”. She says that Americans today need a economy that will permit them to rise again. “U.S.A!” and “build a wall” rang through the Quicken Loans Arena during Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

“If the RNC wanted to project an image of unity, that ended last night”.

Hitting the former secretary of State for foreign policy problems ranging from Libya to the Islamic State, Trump said that Clinton’s legacy is one of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”. “And that pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you slander and attack Heidi I’m going to nonetheless go like a servile puppy dog”.

Walker was talking about Sykes, who wasn’t convinced.

“I know that many things were said during the campaign, ugly things”, Zamora said.

Cruz said he couldn’t endorse a man who has attacked him personally.

Some members of Congress, such as South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford, are also unlikely to endorse Trump. “The way to win, as I tried with all my might, is not to just scream and yell and attack as traitor anyone that would dare question our candidates”. I can handle that. “It’s about time I said that, right?” The speech was well-received and met with cheers of “We like Mike!”

Donald Trump told cheering convention delegates Thursday night that he will continue to confound expectations and that his unlikely campaign won’t stop until he reaches the White House.

The roller coaster Republican National Convention comes to a close Thursday night with the speech everyone has been waiting for, Donald Trump’s nomination acceptance speech.

Yet, if he gives his endorsement, Trump said “he will not accept it”. But had he endorsed me, it would have been a good thing for him politically. “I think he was successful in that”. The choice we have is not between someone else.


The election, particularly the debates, are sure going to be the opposite of boring!

Defiant Ted Cruz drives home new attack on Republican Donald Trump