
Donald Trump’s Facebook page differs from Hillary Clinton’s in a major way

Trump has resisted releasing his returns, saying he is being audited by the IRS. The incumbent speaks directly to the camera, calls the exceptional nation and vows to do what’s necessary to protect the US from terrorists who “want to destroy our freedom and security”.


“For me, it is not enough to simply denounce his comments: He is unfit to serve our party and can not lead this country”, Hanna wrote in an oped for

Buffett repeated long-held assertions that the tax code favors the wealthy, which Clinton echoed, pledging to pay for new programs through more taxes on the rich. Clinton also continued the assaults on Trump, criticizing him for making products overseas.

Buffett invoked the controversial McCarthy hearings of the 1950s in his criticism of Trump’s attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Congressman Richard Hanna said that being a good American who loves the country is far more important than political parties of winning.

Trump’s son, Eric Trump, told CBS News on Tuesday his father’s comments toward the Khans have been “blown hugely out of proportion”.

A Republican lawmaker in Congress became the first to break with the party and support Democrat Hillary Clinton for the White House on Tuesday amid signs of growing Republican unease with volatile presidential nominee Donald Trump. “He is unrepentant in all things”.

“While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Ms. Clinton”, Hanna wrote.

Hanna doesn’t have to worry about a backlash from Republican voters for supporting Clinton.

The Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign reported raising almost $90 million in the month of July, marking her biggest monthly haul yet. Hilary for America brought in $8.7 million online in the 24-hour period following 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 28 – the evening she spoke at the DNC.

Hillary Clinton says she raised $63 million for her campaign last month. Another $26 million went to the Democratic National Committee and state party committees with whom Clinton has joint-fundraising agreements, aides said.


Trump spent the days after winning the Republican nomination criticizing a US district court judge’s Mexican heritage. The morning after accepting the Republican nomination at the party’s convention, Trump re-litigated months-old grievances with primary rival Ted Cruz.

Richard Hanna addressing supporters in New York. AP