
Trump Echoes Ryan, Withholding Endorsement of House Speaker

A couple of months ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan was put in the awkward position of denouncing the racist rhetoric coming from his own party’s presidential nominee.


House Speaker Paul Ryan is airing a campaign ad in which he says he is “committed to securing our borders” with an image of a fence as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump repeatedly promises to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. It does, however, mean that we require leaders who set the example for civil public discourse, self-discipline and respect for others – the whole slew of values required for self-government.

“I’m just not there yet”, Trump said in the interview. “I’m not quite there yet”.

Trump’s rebuke to Ryan carried particular derision.

Ryan never sought Trump’s endorsement, his spokesman said. “And we are confident in a victory next week regardless”.

Paul Ryan is a Donald Trump supporter and endorser.

I’m just not ready to do that at this point. “I’m not there right now”.

“I hope to, though, and I want to, but I think what is required is that we unify this party, and I think the bulk of the burden on unifying the party will have to come from our presumptive nominee”.

Then there’s Ryan’s gamble that Trump will go along with what Ryan really cares about: carrying out the House GOP agenda of cutting taxes and shrinking the social safety net and other federal programs.

Following Trump’s attacks on the family of a dead United States soldier of Muslim faith, Ryan released a statement that distanced himself from the comments, but did not explicitly mention Trump.

With many Republicans questioning Donald J. Trump’s bid for the presidency, Trump did the same thing Tuesday in an interview with The Washington Post.

Trump’s refusal to back Ryan represents an extraordinary breach of political decorum and signals that the Republican Party remains divided two weeks after a national convention in Cleveland staged to showcase party unity.

McCain’s response was a lengthy denunciation in which he said the GOP nomination does not confer on Trump “unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”.

McCain is a locked in a three-way race ahead of an August 30 primary in Arizona.

‘He has not done a good job for the vets and I’ve always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets.

“Thanks to @pnehlen for your kind words, very much appreciated”, Trump tweeted. And so Trump tells the Washington Post’s Philip Rucker he has not yet made a decision to endorse them against their right-wing primarychallengers. I’m also a high-ranking Republican official. Kelly Ayotte, who is in a tough re-election battle and hit Trump over his remarks against the Khan family.

Ryan condemned any criticism of Muslim Americans who serve their country, while Ayotte declared she was “appalled” by Trump’s spat with the Khans.

“As someone who has worked to further the Republican Party’s principles for the last 15 years, I believe that we are at a moment where silence isn’t an option”, former Christie senior aide Maria Comella told CNN.


“We need loyal people in this country”, Trump added in the interview.

These two have a dysfunctional relationship.     Bill Clark  CQ Roll Call and Molly Riley  AFP  Getty Images