
Donald Trump fears presidential vote is ‘going to be rigged’

“Trump has moved in exactly the opposite direction from our recommendations on how to make the party more inclusive”, said Ari Fleischer, who worked with Bradshaw on the GOP’s so-called post-election autopsy and was a senior adviser to President George W. Bush.


At another event he called Democratic rival Hillary Clinton “the devil”. Trump has previously backed up that thought by pointing to hacked emails from the national party that appeared to indicate a preference for Clinton.

Trump during the primary repeatedly slammed the “rigged system” he claimed was working against his campaign to capture the Republican nomination for president. “And we’re not going to have rigged elections in the Republican Party anymore”, Trump said.

“I’m telling you, November 8th, we’d better be careful, because that election is going to be rigged”, he continued.

“And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us”.

Mr Trump did not elaborate on his contention and a request to his campaign for additional explanation was not immediately returned.

The statement could be an effort by Trump to lay the groundwork of an excuse if he goes on to lose the general election.

“I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement”, Sen.

In now deleted tweets, Trump lamented that Obama lost the popular vote and won the election, saying, “the phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation”. Buffett made the remarks at a Clinton rally.

It was Mr. Trump’s second appearance in OH since winning the Republican nomination almost two weeks ago.

Trump has criticized Khizr Khan and Ghazala Khan since they took the stage at last week’s Democratic convention. “[Obama] talks about ‘Donald Trump is not strong on Russia.’ First of all, I have to say this: Wouldn’t it be great if we actually got along with Russia?”

And now, just before an event in Columbus, Ohio, Trump called a gaggle of reporters together to complain about yet another fire marshal who was allegedly out to get him for political reasons.

Trump is stoking mistrust of the election system of the USA, so he has fostered among his supporters.

Trump spoke for about 45 minutes before an enthusiastic crowd and then answered three questions from audience members on repealing Obamacare, reducing small-business regulations and battling the heroin epidemic washing over many parts of America, including Ohio. “That’s what freedom sounds like”.

Ryan condemned any criticism of Muslim Americans who serve their country, while Ayotte declared she was “appalled” by Trump’s spat with the Khans. “We honor him and his family. we cherish his family”.


Many Republicans have expressed support for the parents in recent days, and some have sharply rebuked Trump, most notably Senate Armed Forces Committee Chairman John McCain, a military veteran and former prisoner of war.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a town hall event Monday Aug. 1 2016 in Columbus Ohio