
Republican leaders should withdraw endorsement of Trump, Obama says

Attacking Republican nominee Donald Trump, US President Barack Obama on Tuesday said he is not fit for the post of the President.


Khan said that if Trump were president and enacted his proposed temporary ban on foreign Muslims coming to the USA, a position Trump has backed away from in recent weeks, his son would have never been allowed into the country.

President Obama unleashed an unprecedented assault on Donald Trump in a press conference today, declaring that “the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president”. “Trump this is unacceptable and we have to condemn what you said, ‘” Ellison said.

In the fallout over Trump’s dispute with the Khans, Republican Senate Majority Leader McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan have also supported the family.

“The fact that it has not yet happened makes some of these denunciations ring hollow”.

As such he was highly critical of the Republican leadership who are supporting the billionaire from NY.

The Trump campaign responded by going after the Democratic nominee as well as the President. But there have been Republican presidents with whom I disagreed with, but I didn’t have a doubt they could function as president.

“Had they won, I would have been disappointed, but I would have said to all Americans, this is our president”, he said. “I think this country needs a fighter and he was attacked the other day and he was attacked viciously and, by the way, that’s politics – you’re gonna get attacked”, Eric Trump told “CBS This Morning”.

Republican leaders have urged Trump to drop his attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Former State Rep. Connie Pillich, D-Cincinnati, an eight-year Air Force veteran, said, “If this is his response to the families who have made the ultimate sacrifice, Donald Trump can not be trusted to send our men and women to war”.

Those who have worked with Trump say that in private meetings, he can often appear amenable to putting a controversy aside.

The alternative is that the entire Republican Party effectively endorses and validates the positions being articulated by Mr. Trump.

At one point, Trump had disputed Khan’s criticism that the billionaire businessman has “sacrificed nothing and no one” for his country. But neither statement mentioned Trump by name or repudiated him.

The Latest on the US presidential campaign. Trump has previously backed up that thought by pointing to hacked emails from the national party that appeared to indicate a preference for Clinton.

“If in fact Russian Federation engaged in this activity, it’s just one on a long list of issues that me and Mr. Putin talk about”, Obama said.


Trump has brushed off Democratic charges that Putin could be behind the hack in order to tip the United States election in his favor, claiming he’s never met the Russian leader and doesn’t maintain a relationship with him. “I think this is honestly something that has been blown hugely out of proportion”.

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