
Artist Builds Wall Around Trumps Hollywood Star

It includes a tiny string of barbed wire on top of the wall and “Caution Border – Keep Out” signs.


Trump is well-known for his plan to build a large wall on the U.S. -Mexico border to keep out undocumented immigrants.

The artist, who calls himself Plastic Jesus, is known for posting “No Trump Anytime” signs around Los Angeles.

Unlike Trump’s much-advertised wall, there is no reason to believe Mexico paid for this tiny replica, which the Associated Press reported was gone by the following morning.

Tuesday saw the inevitable happen, Donald Trump was confirmed as the upcoming Republican Presidential nominee. The wall is 6 inches tall and made of grey concrete. Activists have demanded that the star be removed, and have even spray painted swastikas on it, but the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Leron Gubler have refused to back down.

Plastic Jesus is a genius, his wall around Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame is a masterpiece. “The unofficial addtion to the iconic star appeared early Tuesday afternoon, to the amusement of onlookers”.

This is not the first time that Trump’s Walk of Fame star has been targeted.

Plastic Jesus was quoted as saying: “Donald Trump is obviously a huge target for artists like myself but I wanted to do something that wasn’t just attacking him visibly, about his hair”.


The figure he cites is in reference to the money Mexican nationals earn in America and send back to their families across the border, the transactions of which Trump pledges to block if the sender can’t first prove that they are in the United States legally. According to his website, the artist bases his art on current news and culture.

Someone Built Border Wall Around Donald Trump's Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame