
Hanna: Trump is ‘unfit’ to be president, says he’ll vote for Clinton

The $63 million Clinton raised for her campaign in July tops the $49 million President Barack Obama pulled in for his during the same month of the 2012 election cycle, even though Obama is the most prolific fundraiser in American political history.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, shown during a May 5 rally in West Virginia, said refugees from Syria “could be the all-time great Trojan horse” following Sunday’s mass shooting at a Florida night club. “We call on Republican Chairman Keith Davis, County Executive Dennis Levinson, Assemblyman Chris Brown and other local Republican officials to follow the example of national Republicans such as Senator John McCain and Speaker Paul Ryan in denouncing Donald Trump’s outrageous and incendiary comments”.

Democrats and Republicans alike have condemned Trump for his remarks about the parents of US Army Capt Humayun Khan, who was killed by a vehicle bomb in 2004 in Iraq, at the age of 27.

Clinton was also helped by a series of controversial statements made by the Billionaire in the past week regarding the family of a fallen American soldier and Trump’s suggestion that Russian hackers should seek out deleted Clinton emails.

Hanna, however, has little to lose politically, since he is not running for re-election. Trump has said that they can not be made public until the financial authorities have completed an audit.

“Hillary’s going to raise taxes very, very substantially, she’s going to have one of the biggest tax increases ever”.

He said the Iran nuclear deal had put that country on the path to having nuclear weapons, and that Clinton and Obama had let dozens of veterans die while waiting for medical care.

Mr Hanna said he disagreed with Ms Clinton on “many issues”, but would vote for her anyway.

“I found [Trump] profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader”, he wrote. She also holds more commanding leads among women and non-whites. “Not bumper sticker slogans that pander to our disappointment, fear, and hate”.


“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest”, the Republican nominee told a town hall crowd in Columbus, Ohio.

US Rep. Richard Hanna